Office of the Deans of Studies
The Dean of Studies represents the interests of learning and teaching activities on the Managing Board of the Faculty and represents the Faculty in learning and teaching-related matters. Pursuant to Article 30 Subarticle 2 Bayerisches Hochschulgesetz (Bavarian Higher Education Act, BayHSchG), the Dean of Studies:
- must work towards ensuring that all courses offered by the Faculty comply with the relevant academic and examination regulations, that it is possible to complete the degree programs offered by the Faculty, and that students receive appropriate mentoring and support,
- is responsible for evaluating the teaching activities of the Faculty, taking student opinions into account,
- must report to the Dean at regular intervals as well as to the Faculty Board and the University Board no less than once a semester on his/her work,
- must submit an anonymized learning and teaching report (Lehrbericht) to the Faculty Board on an annual basis,
- must develop and submit to the Dean recommendations on the use of the funds that are available for teaching activities,
- should, when new appointments are made, give his/her opinion on the candidates’ ability to deliver effective teaching.
The staff at the Office of the Dean of Studies assists the Dean of Studies in the performance of these and other responsibilities.

Institut für Organische Chemie, Raum 01.026
Sprechzeit (Vorlesungszeitraum): Donnerstag, 13:00 Uhr |

Zentralgebäude Chemie, Raum 027 Informationen zu Büro- und Sprechzeiten Telefon: 0931 31 85353 |

Zentralgebäude Chemie, Raum K16/029 |

Rachel Steinhaus Zentralgebäude Chemie, Raum 026 Telefon: 0931 31 83534 |

Nadya BorisovaAm Hubland, 97074 Würzburg Telefon: 0931 31 83534 |