“Technical infrastructure is a prerequisite for progress"! (University President Alfred Forchel)
moreNews and Dates
A semiconductor from the hot plate
01/12/2015Scientists from the University of Würzburg have been successful in their search for new, better materials to produce organic semiconductors. Their latest development has even broken a world record: It is a better electricity conductor than all other comparable materials.
moreYoung Scientists Get Portrayed
12/16/2014The Institute of Organic Chemistry is becoming more and more attractive to outstanding young scientists from other countries. Consequently, in 2014 the university's press department already portrayed two of them.
moreChief Technology Officer of Clariant International Ltd* Dr. Martin Vollmer continues the Winter Semester Lecture Series on December 4th, 2014.
moreNIM NanoDay 2014
11/24/2014Nanoscience for everybody – with members from “SolTech”
morePoster award for Andreas Kraft
11/13/2014At the 4th International Meeting on Metal-Organic Frameworks MOF2014 held in Kobe, Japan in October, doctoral candidate Andreas Kraft from the Beuerle group received one of eleven MOF2014 Kobe Poster Awards.
moreCNC Lecture on November 6, 2014
10/16/2014The Winter Semester Lecture Series starts with a guest speaker from the USA: Timothy M. Swager* is the John D. MacArthur Professor of Chemistry and the Director, Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
moreA two-dimensional springboard for electrons
09/19/2014Poster Prize for Peter Spenst
09/12/2014At the “248th ACS National Meeting and Exposition” in San Francisco Peter Spenst, Doctoral Candidate at the Würthner Group, received one of two poster prizes at the session “Metal-Containing and Metallo-Supramolecular Polymers and Materials”.
moreA guest from Seoul
07/23/2014Due to his excellent research results, which were published in top chemistry journals and also received attention at international conferences, the 'Sofja-Kovalevskaja Awardee' was awarded with the newly established “Keck-Köppe-Förderstiftung” on July 12, 2014.