News and Dates

In September 2019, Agnieszka Nowak-Król received one of the coveted Emmy-Noether grants of the DFG for her outstanding research work at the University of Würzburg in the field of functional boron compounds.

Group photo in one of the most famous classical gardens in Foshan, a city next to Guangzhou.

Since 2018 the groups of Zengqi Xie and Frank Würthner collaborate in the framework of a Chinese (NSFC) - German (DFG) project on the interlayer engineering for organic solar cells. The concept utilizes perylene bisimide dyes as photosensitizers in zinc oxide interlayers.

All participants of the SupraChem 2019 in Würzburg

More than 200 participants met for the fifth edition of SupraChem in Würzburg in February 2019. Besides 27 short lectures and 111 poster contributions by German and European participants, three plenary lectures by internationally renowned scientists were given as true highlights, one of them from the 2016 Chemistry Nobel Laureate Sir Fraser Stoddart.

Professor Antoni Llobet forscht mit einem Humboldt-Preis am Zentrum für Nanosystemchemie der Uni Würzburg. (Image: privat)

Chemistry professor Antoni Llobet (Spain) joins the University of Würzburg with a research prize from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. He is a worldwide leading expert in the field of oxidative water splitting with sunlight.
