Deutsch Intern
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy

Dr. Reich Prize 2024 awarded to Hanna Hoh and Fabian Fella


The "Day of Organic Chemistry", on which the working groups introduce themselves to students in their bachelor's studies, again included the presentation of the Dr. Reich Prize, endowed with 1,000 euros, to two outstanding graduates in 2024.

Hanna Hoh and Fabian Fella with Prof. Frank Würthner (Picture: C. Stadler)
Hanna Hoh and Fabian Fella with Prof. Frank Würthner (Picture: C. Stadler)

Since 2014, the "Day of Organic Chemistry" has been held during the lecture-free period shortly before the start of the winter semester and gives students of chemistry and biochemistry the opportunity to learn about the diversity of research at the Institute of Organic Chemistry. Importantly, it is not the lecturers who are the main players. Rather, doctoral students present their research topics in short presentations and with the help of posters. Since 2023, the presentation of the Dr. Reich Prize has also been part of the program. With an overall grade of 1.1 in the master's program, Hanna Hoh and Fabian Fella are worthy award winners and role models for the undergraduate students, who applauded vigorously at the award ceremony.

The Dr. Reich Prize

This prize, endowed with EUR 1,000, is awarded annually in honor of Dr. Hans Heiner Reich to one or two graduates of the chemistry program who have shown outstanding academic performance and whose master's thesis was written at the Institute of Organic Chemistry at the University of Würzburg and evaluated with the top grade of 1.0. Together with his wife Marlene Tauber, Dr. Reich decided to establish a foundation for the "promotion of science and research as well as education, popular and vocational training, including student aid in the Department of Gynaecology at the University Hospital Würzburg and in the Institute of Organic Chemistry at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität". The foundation's profits not only finance the Dr. Reich Prize, but also a Dr. Reich Scholarship and the Dr. Reich Lecture.

Hanna Hoh

Hanna Hoh began studying chemistry at JMU in the winter semester 2019/20 and graduated already in the summer semester 2022. She wrote her bachelor's thesis at the chair of Prof. Frank Würthner, where she liked it so much that she continued on the field of supramolecular chemistry of dyes for her master's thesis, which she submitted in August 2024. Her thesis is entitled "N-annulated Perylene Bisimide Cyclophanes". Hannah completed her master's degree with an overall grade of 1.1.

Fabian Fella

Fabian Fella decided to study chemistry at JMU in 2018. His bachelor's thesis was supervised by Professor Christoph Lambert, whose working group he joined again for his master's thesis. The excellent thesis entitled "Synthesis and characterization of donor-acceptor dyads with 15N-labeled triarylamine donor for the investigation of magnetic field-dependent spin interconversion" was submitted at the beginning of 2024.

Further Informationen about the foundation: Tauber Dr. Reich Foundation

By C. Stadler
