Deutsch Intern
    German LC Conference 2022

    Vorländer Lecture

    Recipient of the Vorländer Lecture 2022

    Dr. Richard Mandle


    Title of the Vorländer Lecture: The Unexpected Discovery of a New Nematic Phase


    Dr. Richard Mandle studied Chemistry from 2004 to 2008 at the University of Hull and completed his PhD 2013 at the University of York (Prof. J. W. Goodbye). After several postdoctoral projects with J. W. Goodbye and J. Moore (University of York) he joint in 2020 the research group of Prof. Helen Gleeson at the University of Leeds working on Auxetic Liquid Crystalline Elastomers. Richard Mandle is an author of more than 70 publications and six book chapters. Highest recognition received the synthesis and discovery of a new nematic phase in 2017 (Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19, 11429–11435), which turned out to be of outmost interest owing to its ferroelectric properties (Nature Communications, 2021, 12, 4962.). Richard Mandle is a member of the editorial board of the journal molecules. He received the British Liquid Crystal Society Young Scientist Award in 2017. For his outstanding achievements he is now invited to give the Vorländer Lecture 2022 at the GLCC2022 in Würzburg.