Deutsch Intern
    German LC Conference 2022

    Dr. Xiangbing Zeng

    Curriculum Vitae

    Xiangbing Zeng received his PhD from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Sheffield in 2000. He became a Reader in Polymers and Liquid Crystals at the same Department in 2018. His main research interest has been in the study of the structure and phase behaviour of complex liquid crystals and supramolecular assemblies, using a combination of diffraction, spectroscopy and microscopy methods. He has published over 120 research papers with an h-index of 38. The many structures of thermotropic liquid crystals he has determined include the liquid quasicrystal (QC) phase that was the first QC outside metal alloys, the first in soft matter and the first on the mesoscale. He received both the Young Scientist of the Year award in 2006 and the Hilsum medal in 2021 from the BLCS.

    Abstract Title

    Ferro- and Antiferro- Chirality in Columnar and Bicontinuous Phases