Deutsch Intern
    German LC Conference 2022

    Tommaso Bellini

    Curriculum Vitae

    Tommaso Bellini

    Full professor of Applied Physics

    University of Milano

    Department of Medical Biotechnology and Translational Medicine




    Since 2002                  Full Professor in Applied Physics, University of Milan

    1999-2001                  Associate Professor in General Physics, Politecnico of Milan.

    1992-1999                  Assistant Professor in Condensed Matter Physics, University of Pavia.

    1990-1992                  Postdoc at the University of Colorado at Boulder.


    1990                            PhD in Physics at the University of Pavia.

    1985                            Graduate degree (MSc) in Physics at the University of Pavia.



    Since 2002                  Group leader of the “Complex Fluids and Molecular Biophysics” Group University of Milan

    Since 2004                  Member of the Soft Material Research Center of the university of Colorado Boulder

    2011-2020                  President, ProXentia s.r.l.      Spin-off company, University of Milan (

    Since 2015                 Member for the board of the Italian Liquid Crystal Society



    2018 winner of the Cozzarelli prize of the National Academy of Science USA “For excellence in engineering and applied science”


    157 publications (Scopus), H-index (Scopus) = 37; publications on Science, Nature Materials, Nature Physics, Nature Communications, PNAS.

    ORCID: 0000-0003-4898-4400


    The research activity is in the field of bio-soft matter and complex molecular fluids and includes studies of DNA nanotechnology, DNA supramolecular ordering, molecular interactions, liquid crystals, protein folding, polymer solutions, nanoparticles and colloids, micro and nanoconfined fluids.

    The activity also includes the development of new technologies in the fields of optical microscopy and optical biosensors.

    Inventor in three patents. Founder of a technological spin-off company (ProXentia srl)

    Abstract Title

    On the Liquid Crystal Ordering of Nucleic Acids and its Intimate Connection to Watson-Crick Pairing