Summer School on Catalysis and Organometallic Synthesis - 24th - 28th of July 2017
03/31/2017Summer School with LIKAT Rostock during 24th - 28th of Juliy 2017
We, in collaboration with LIKAT Rostock, will be running a Summer School on Catalysis and Organometallic Synthesis to be held here in Würzburg during 24th - 28th of July 2017.
The Summer School is aimed at advanced MS and PhD students or postdocs with a background in chemistry. Admission is limited to 50 participants and a limited number of scholarships are available to offset costs.
Speakers include guest lecturers:
Prof. Dr. Andrew S. Weller, Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford
Dr. Thomas Schaub, CaRLa - Catalysis Research Laboratory/BASF SE
as well as several of our colleagues from the Leibniz Institute for Catalysis Rostock:
Prof. Dr. Matthias Beller, Applied Homogeneous Catalysis
Prof. Dr. Torsten Beweries, Coordination Chemistry and Catalysis
Prof. Dr. Angelika Brückner, Catalytic in-situ studies
Prof. Dr. Johannes G. de Vries, Catalysis with renewable resources
and the following from the Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg:
Prof. Dr. Holger Braunschweig, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry
Prof. Dr. Bernd Engels, Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
Prof. Dr. Maik Finze, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry
Dr. Crispin Lichtenberg, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry
Prof. Dr. Robert Luxenhofer, Chemical Technology of Material Science
Prof. Dr. Todd B. Marder, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry
Prof. Dr. Udo Radius, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Seibel, Institute of Organic Chemistry
Further information:
+49 (0)931 31 80522