Prof. Holger Braunschweig

Holger Braunschweig is head and chair of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Würzburg. He obtained his PhD and Habilitation with Prof. P. Paetzold (RWTH Aachen). He was post-doc with Prof. M. F. Lappert at Sussex and held a position as Reader at Imperial College, London. He carried out seminal work on metal boron complexes, boron heterocycles, and boron-boron multiple bonds. His work was published in over 700 publications. His discoveries have been highlighted in a wide range of outlets, including New Scientist, The Times of London,Science, Nature, Nature Chemistry, Chemical and Engineering News, Chemistry World, Spektrum, Chemie in unserer Zeit, and Angewandte Chemie. He was awarded the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz award (2009), the RSC Main Group Chemistry Award (2014), and received the Arduengo, Steinhofer, Bruker, andScotCHEM named visiting lectureships. He is a member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, the German National Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina), the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, and the DFG advisory panel for molecular inorganic chemistry.
2024 | M. Frederick Hawthorne Award in Main Group Inorganic Chemistry |
2024 | ENI Award (Advanced Environmental Solutions) |
2024 | "Animesh Chakravorty Endowment Lecture", BITS Pilani, Pilani (IN) |
2023 | "Margot Becke Lecture", University of Heidelberg (D) |
2022 | "Manchot Research" Professorship, TU München (D) |
2021 | "Mond-Nyholm Award" of the Royal Society of Chemistry |
2019 | Member of the Indian National Science Academy (Foreign Fellow) |
2019 | "Leibniz Lecture Tour", IIT Chennai, IIT Bangalore (IN) |
2018 | "JSPS Invitational Fellowship", lecture tour of Japan (JP) |
2018 | "IOCF Lectureship", Kyoto University (JP) |
2018 | "Reinhart Koselleck Grant" of the DFG |
2017 | "Leibniz Lecture Tour of Canada", DFG and the Universities of Ottawa and Calgary (CA) |
2017 | "Glenn Seaborg Lecture", University of California Berkeley (USA) |
2016 | "Frontiers Lectureship", Texas A&M University (USA) |
2016 | "Alfred Stock Gedächtnispreis 2016" of the GDCh |
2015 | Corresponding Member of the "North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the |
Arts" | |
2015 | ERC Advanced Grant "multiBB" |
2014 | "Main Group Award", Royal Society of Chemistry |
2014 | "Inaugural ScotCHEM Lectureship", Universities of Glasgow, Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt, Strathclyde |
and St. Andrews (Scotland, UK) | |
2014 | "Bruker Lectureship", University of Toronto (CA) |
2012 | "Steinhofer Lectureship", University of Freiburg (D) |
2011 | ERC Advanced Grant "BORYLENEFUN" |
2011 | Member of the "Leopoldina - Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften" |
2009 | "Arduengo Lectureship", University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa (USA) |
2009 | Member of the "Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften" |
2008 | Laureate of the "Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis" (2009) |
2001 | Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) |
A full CV and detailed information regarding the employment history are available at