Luminescent iridium(III) complexes
Just published as a "Hot Paper" in Chem. Eur. J. - the first luminescent Ir(III) cellular probes prepared by iClick reaction
moreJust published as a "Hot Paper" in Chem. Eur. J. - the first luminescent Ir(III) cellular probes prepared by iClick reaction
moreJust published in Inorg. Chem. - the first selenocysteine metal complex structurall characterized
moreSodam Lee recently finished her Bachelor thesis project
moreNew cheminformatics tool just released within NFDI4Chem
moreWe welcome Claudia Kellner, Dominik Moreth, and Victoria Müller for their Master thesis projects
moreWe welcome our new Bachelor and Master students
moreWe welcome Marina Rincon Nocito from the University of Zaragoza
moreExciting new results on the iClick reaction of Pd and Pt azido complexes in our latest Inorg. Chem. paper
moreWe welcome Heidi Stachel and Andreas Hartmann to the group
moreWe welcome Janina Gawehn for her Bachelor thesis project
moreA lot of new coworkers for the summer term 2019
moreWe welcome Katharina Nuss for a Master research project
moreWe welcome Maxim Zimmermann for his Bachelor thesis project
moreWe have now moved to the new institute building C2