Deutsch Intern
Hierlmeier Group


February 2025

Maxi and Gabi travel to Münster for the Koordinationschemietreffen (KCT). Lots of great science and a poster award for Maxi, congrats!


December 2024


As the year comes to a close, we reflect on a wonderful 12 months filled with exciting chemistry, fun times, and welcoming new members to the lab. From getting a 29 year old glovebox running again to exciting chemistry discoveries, 2024 has been a year to remember.

We celebrated the season with a group Christmas party including Secret Santa.

November 2024

We officially welcome Paul Fritsche and Sebastian Cremer to the group, who will be doing their Master’s theses with us in the coming months. Here's to a fruitful, fun (and fire-free) time together!

Maxi Heldner received a prestigious PhD scholarship from the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes. Congrats Maxi on this great achievement!

October 2024

We say goodbye to Corinna, who continues her scientific journey as a postdoc in the group of Prof. Cameron Jones in Australia. Good luck with your research Down Under!

Tobias Körner joins the group for his 8-week internship and will support us with some organic syntheses.

September 2024

Leon joins the group for his internship in homogeneous catalysis. 

Lucia is also back in the group to do her Master's thesis research project. Welcome back Lucia and much success with your project!

August 2024

Maxi, Corinna, Gabi and Lars found themselves trapped on a pirate ship (in the escape room), where it took some serious teamwork to solve the puzzles and finally claim their (edible) treasure. 

July 2024

We are excited to share the group's first paper on coordination-induced reductive elimination from novel titanium(IV) pincer complexes in Chemical Communications. Congratulations to our two undergrad first-authors Lucia and Paul as well as Corinna for getting this wrapped up! Check it out here.

Paul also designed a neat artwork which was chosen as a back cover:

June 2024

Lars Kiesewalter also joins the group for his internship.

We had our first group party with pizza and drinks to celebrate our new group members Corinna and Maxi as well as Anne and Laura finishing the experimental work of their Bachelor's thesis. 


May 2024

Maxi Liesa Heldner has started her PhD studies in the group this month. After finishing her Master's degree in the Hashmi group in Heidelberg, she worked in the group of Prof. Yoonsu Park at KAIST and now joins our group as the first PhD student. Good luck with your projects!

David Reinhart joins us for his 8-week internship in inorganic chemistry.

April 2024

We contributed to the faculty's program for Girl's day! Gabi explained to high school students how we do chemistry under inert conditions and investigated the molecular structure of table sugar using our department's state-of-the-art diffractometer. Click here for further information.

More new faces in our lab: Anne and Laura start their bachelor's thesis projects.

We also welcome Corinna to the lab as a post-doc. Corinna has just finished her PhD in the lab nextdoors with Prof. Holger Braunschweig working on beryllium chemistry. We look foward to working with you!

Hannes starts his 8 week internship in inorganic chemistry with us. Good luck with your project!

February 2024

Lucia joins the lab for her internship in homogeneous catalysis. Welcome Lucia and good luck with your project!

November 2023

The Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (FCI) supports our research with a material allowance grant! We are very grateful for this start-up aid for our new labs.

October 2023

Nathanael and Paul join the lab for their Bachelor's thesis and a research internship, respectively. Good luck and much success!

September 2023

The labs are set up and we are excited to get started with some chemistry!