Deutsch Intern
  • C2 ICB
  • YoungRohr
  • Kittel
The Finze Group

Bejaoui Younes

Younes Bejaoui

PhD Student
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Chair III
Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg
Building: ICB, Hubland Süd
Room: 01.009


Research area: Perfluoroalkylnitrogen and Perfluoroalkylsulfonylnitrogen Compounds

Salze cyclischer Perfluorsulfonimide und verwandte Verbindungen, Master's thesis in 2020
Salts of cyclic perfluorosulfonimides and related compounds

Pentafluorethylgallate,  Bachelor's thesis in 2018 (at the University of Bielefeld)