Deutsch Intern
Lehrstuhl für Makromolekulare Chemie


February 2022


The Macromolecular Therapeutics Lab and Lutz Nuhn are very grateful to the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz for supporting us with a Young Researcher Award - thank you very much!


January 2022


Welcome back, Yannick Pilger! The Macromolecular Therapeutics Team is happy to have you back on board for your master thesis - best of luck for your experiments!


December 2021


Jan Imschweiler has started his research internship in the Macromolecular Therapeutics Group - welcome, Jan!

Christian Czysch, Anne Huppertsberg, Maximilian Scherger, Judith Stickdorn and Lutz Nuhn took part in the virtual Pacifichem Meeting 2021 and successfully presented their latest results during online live presentations and poster sessions. Well done - but we all hope to soon join again conferences in person!


November 2021


Welcome back in the lab: Milena Hesse and Adrian Hauck continue with their master and PhD theses in the Macromolecular Therapeutics Group. We also kindly welcome Fabian Stephan doing his research internship in the lab - best of luck to all of you for your experiments.

Moreover, Lutz Nuhn gratefully persented the lab's latest results during the GDCh Online Award Ceremony of the Macromolecuar Chemistry Section, where he received the Dr. Hermann Schnell Scholarship 2020. Thanks again very much to the Dr. Hermann Schnell Foundation and the GDCh for this great recognition of the research efforts of the Macromolecular Therapeutics Group.

Additionally, Lutz presented in person the latest data of the Macromolecular Therapeutics Group during the Supramolecular Chemistry and Immunology Symposium at Ghent University, Belgium.


October 2021


The Macromolecular Therapeutics Group welcomes Katharina Eigen starting her research internship in the lab.

Lutz Nuhn presented the research of the Macromolecular Therapeutics Group during the joint Online Symposium of the Research Institute for Medicines (iMed.ULisboa) with the MPI-P and during the Online Sino-German Workshop on "New nanomaterials for biomedical applications".



September 2021


Congratulations to Adrian Hauck: He successfully defended his impressive master thesis - well done!

Moreover, Johannes Kockelmann presented a poster on his research in the Macromolecular Therapeutics Group at the online GDCh Macrosymposium 2021.

And Lutz Nuhn gave a talk about the research of the Macromolecular Therapeutics Group during the Online Sino-Belgium Seminar on NanoMedicine.


August 2021


Congratulations to Alexander Fuchs for successfully handing in his outstanding master thesis. We wish him an exciting research semester abroad.

The Macromolecular Therapeutics Group also welcomes Yannick Pilger starting his research internship in the lab.



July 2021


Lutz Nuhn and the Macromolecular Therapeutics Lab are very grateful to the DECHEMA and the Max Buchner Foundation for supporting our research with a Max Buchner Fellowship - thank you very much!


June 2021


We are extremely happy that our Collaborate Research Center SFB1066 will receive funding for four more years to study the impact of synthetic nanocarriers on cancer immunotherapy. Together with our partners from the University Medical Center, we are very much looking forward to continuing our research on nanogel-based cancer vaccines (project B4) and designing new immunomodulatory carriers for treating primary liver cancers and secondary liver metastases (project B3)


May 2021


Lutz Nuhn presented in an eTalk the work of the Macromolecular Therapeutics Group at the virtual meeting of the Association for Cancer Immunotherapy CIMT.

Moreover, Jonas Woller successfully defended his bachelor thesis - congratulations!

And Yannick Fröder has started his research internship in the Macromolecular Therapeutics Group - welcome!



April 2021


Christian Czysch successfully presented his work on degradable polycarbonate nanogels at the virtual ACS Spring meeting and Lutz provided an overview of the reseach of the Macromolecular Therapeutics Group at the 5th Polymers and Nanomedicine Webinar of the Max Planck-VISTEC Partner Laboratory.


March 2021


The Macromolecular Therapeutics lab took successfully part in this year's online version of the Macro Colloquium Freiburg: Lutz Nuhn was awarded the Macromolecular Rapid Communications Young Researcher Lectureship and could present the lab's latest research endeavors. Moreover, Leon Bixenmann won the poster award for his outstanding work on amphiphilic poly(esteracetal)s for immunodrug delivery. We are very grateful to Wiley-VCH and the organizers for these two awards.

Moreover, Joshua Krehan successfully defended his outstanding master thesis - congratulations!

Finally, Lutz presented the work of the Macromolecular Therapeutics Group at the virtual GDCh-ADUC-Chemiedozententagung.


February 2021


The Macromolecular Therapeutics welcomes back Alexander Fuchs and Adrian Hauck for their master theses - best of luck for your experiments! Moreover, Sven Krasel successfully defended his bachelor thesis project in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Holger Frey and his research team - congratulations!


January 2021


Leon Bixenmann has been accepted as fellow of the Max Planck Graduate Programme with the JGU Mainz (MPGC).


December 2020


Nicole Roeser has started her research internship in the Macromolecular Therapeutics Group - welcome!
