Tauber Dr. Reich Foundation
The Foundation

The non-profit Tauber Dr. Reich Foundation was established in 2020 and, in accordance with its statutes, pursues the purpose of "promoting science and research as well as education, popular and vocational training including student aid in the Department of Gynaecology at the University Hospital Würzburg and in the Institute of Organic Chemistry at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität". The founders are Marlene Tauber and Dr. Hans Reich, whose marriage had remained childless and who therefore decided early on to transfer their assets to a foundation.
Marlene Tauber
Marlene Tauber, born in 1939 in northern Bohemia and expelled from there with her parents in 1946, was co-owner of a company in the field of explosive ordnance clearance and civil engineering, which was an equally important and lucrative task after the Second World War and still is today. Founded in Würzburg in 1964, this company soon had locations throughout Germany and is now active throughout Europe and even in Africa and the Middle East.
Dr. Hans Reich
Hans Heiner Reich comes from a traditional carpentry company in Würzburg, which still exists today. He studied chemistry at the University of Würzburg and received his doctorate in 1973 from our faculty under Prof. Kuball on polarization spectroscopy of aromatic hydrocarbons. He then joined BASF and became Senior Vice President in the international plasticizers division. Dr. Reich was a passionate chemist, hunter and, above all, a proud native of Würzburg. Unfortunately, he passed away unexpectedly in 2018 at the age of 75, which prompted his wife Marlene to establish the foundation already during her lifetime.
Dr. Reich Prize, Dr. Reich Scholarship, and Dr. Reich Lecture
Out of gratitude to the founders and in honor of the late Dr. Reich, part of the foundation's income will be used to finance the Dr. Reich Prize, which was established in 2022. This prize, which is endowed with 1,000 EUR, is awarded to one or two graduates of the chemistry program who have shown outstanding academic achievements and whose master's thesis was written at the Institute of Organic Chemistry at the University of Würzburg and evaluated with the top grade of 1.0.
In addition to the Dr. Reich Prize, the Dr. Reich Scholarship and the Dr. Reich Lecture have been funded by the Foundation since 2023. The Dr. Reich Scholarship is open to junior researchers with a doctorate who want to come to the University of Würzburg from abroad and pursue an academic career. It is awarded once a year. The Dr. Reich Lecture, on the other hand, is intended to enable Würzburg students to hear an outstanding chemist from abroad give a lecture in Würzburg once a year.
Awardees and Funded Projects
Dr. Reich Prize 2024
- Hanna Hoh for her master's thesis N-annulated Perylene Bisimide Cyclophanes
- Fabian Fella for his master's thesis Synthese und Charakterisierung von Donor-Akzeptor-Dyaden mit 15N-markiertem Triarylamin-Donor zur Untersuchung der magnetfeldabhängigen Spininterkonversion
Dr. Reich Lecture 2024
- Prof. Dr. Mahesh Hariharan, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Thiravananthapuram, Indien, with a lecture about "Greek Cross (+) Aggregate"
Dr. Reich Lecture 2023
- Prof. Dr. Ron Naaman, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, with a lecture about "The Electron’s Spin and Chirality - a Miraculous Match"
Dr. Reich Scholarship 2023/2024
- Dr. Joydip De (India)
Dr. Reich Prize 2023
- Tina Jungnickel for her master's thesis Synthesis of bioorthogonal ribozyme cofactors and their use for site-specific labelling of RNA
- Tobias Groß for his master's thesis Synthese und Charakterisierung neuartiger Donor-Akzeptor-Dyaden zur Untersuchung der magnetfeldabhängigen E-Typ Fluoreszenz
Dr. Reich Prize 2022
- Franziska Schneider for her master's thesis Fluorescent Merocyanine Dimers by Ring Closing Metathesis
- Leonard Fink for his master's thesis Synthesis of BTBT-substituted phthalocyanines with siloxane peripherals as organic semiconductor materials