Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer
Responsible group member: Nikolai Scheuring
Shimadzu IR Affinitiy-1 and Infrared Microscope AIM-8800
Further information:
Recycling Gel Permeation Chromatography (Recycling GPC)
Responsible group members: Katja Noll, Nikolai Scheuring
Shimadzu Liquid chromatograph LC-20AD, equipped with
* column set PSS SDV 50 Å, 20 x 600 mm; PSS SDV 500 Å, 20 x 600 mm
* degassing unit DGU-20A
* system controller CBM-20A
* photodiode array detector SPD-M20A
* fraction collector FRC-10A
* switching valve FCV-20AH2
Further information:
Polarising Microscopy
Responsible group member: Maximilian Baumann, Nikolai Scheuring
Agilent Oscilloscope and Waveform Generator
Linkam Heating/Cooling Stage
Nikon Microscope (Eclipse LV100 POL) and Spectrometer
Further information:
Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS)
Responsible group members: Lisa Gerbig
Radiation protection representative (Strahlenschutzbeauftragter): Prof. Dr. M. Lehmann, Lisa Gerbig
Bruker Nanostart Diffractometer
Further information:
Solid Phase Peptide Synthesis (SPPS)
Responsible group member: Nikolai Scheuring
Heidolph Synthesis 1, Parallel Synthesis with wastebox
This Homepage is maintained by Pascal Weinberger and Maximilian Baumann.