News Archive

T Lymphocytes

Viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens trigger changes to cell membranes in humans in the event of an infection. What exactly happens there will be investigated by a new research group at the universities of Würzburg and Duisburg-Essen. The faculty of chemistry and pharmacy is represented with the group of Prof. Dr. Jürgen Seibel, Institute of Organic Chemistry. The research cluster will receive around two million euros for their work.


About 3 million Euros have been granted to the research network UMWELTnanoTECH by the state ministry of environment and consumer safety (StMUV). The research group of Prof. Anke Krüger forms part of the network.

Daniella Sivavughe Kavira

The scholarship program BEBUC initiated by Gerhard Bringmann and his Congolese colleagues is developing most successfully and catches more and more the attention of a large public. Although the program now supports young scientist from all subjects, not only from chemistry, the journal Nachrichten aus der Chemie has now reported on it.


The Summer Semester 2013 Lecture Series ends with Professor Takuzo Aida from the University of Tokyo on September 26, 2013 in Lecture Hall C at 17:15.


In 2013 the “Academic Ranking of World Universities” (“Shanghai Ranking”), a highly regarded research ranking of the 500 best universities worldwide, again puts Würzburg’s chemistry department in second place among all German universities and in 31st place worldwide.

E. Memmel and J. Seibel

In the fight against multi-resistant bacteria, University of Würzburg chemists may have achieved a major breakthrough. With a trick, they induced the bacteria to change their cell surface. This reduced the risk of infection dramatically.

Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (Logo)

At this year’s Nobel Laureate Meeting in Lindau the Institute of Organic Chemistry was particularly well represented by three young researchers.

U. Mayerhöffer

Ulrich Mayerhöffer, former PhD student at the Institute of Organic Chemistry, will receive the VAA award for „an excellent dissertation in the field of chemical-pharmaceutical research and chemical engineering“.

Bruker D8 Quest

A new X-Ray Laboratory with two diffractometers has recently been brought into service at the Center for Nanosystems Chemistry (CNC).

T. Maeda

Takeshi Maeda from Osaka, Japan will be pushing research as Guest Scientist at the Institute of Organic Chemistry

J. Wu, A. Forchel and G. Bringmann

Since October 2012 the Jinan University in Guangzhou in the South of China, has been connected with the Julius-Maximilian University of Würzburg by a partnership contract. Now, for the first time, a delegation from Guangzhou visited Würzburg.

Prof. Peter J. Stang

With numerous anecdotes and spectacular structures a visibly good humored Peter J. Stang provided for an utterly amusing Siegfried Hünig Lecture 2013
