Deutsch Intern
Institute of Organic Chemistry

Repeated Poster Award for Moritz Dechant


For the third time in only 13 months, the PhD candidate from the Lehmann group has been awarded a poster prize at an international conference. This time in Kyoto, Japan.

Moritz Dechant
Awardee Moritz Dechant at the ILCC2018 (photo: M. Lehmann)

Moritz Dechant has been awarded a RSC Poster Prize (Category “Molecular Systems, Design & Egineering“) at the International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC2018, Kyoto, Japan) for his research on complex mesogens on the basis of Phtahlocyanine, conjugated oligomers and Fullerene building blocks. From more than 400 Posters the referees selected from different categories the Kyoto Poster Award (14 Prize Winners), RSC Poster Prize „Soft Matter“ (3 Prize Winners) and the RSC Poster Prize „Molecular Systems, Design & Egineering“ (3 Prize Winners). This is the third poster award for Moritz Dechant after the prizes in Moscow and Luxembourg. This outstanding series highlights his great talent to convincingly present and competently discuss his excellent research results.

During their ten days conference and lecture journey, Moritz Dechant and Professor Matthias Lehmann also presented a new supramolecular „Click“ mechanism leading to highly ordered columnar LC materials. Beside the invited lecture at the ILCC2018, a visit at the University of Osaka was scheduled. They presented their newest results to Japanese colleagues and, after cooperation discussions, they started a new joint project with Professor Masanori Ozaki.

By M. Lehmann
