"Röntgenpreis" goes to Florian Beuerle
12/10/2018The 'Universitätsbund' and the University of Würzburg have awarded Florian Beuerle the "Röntgenpreis 2018".

Florian Beuerle, Privatdozent (senior lecturer) at the Institute of Organic Chemistry and the Center for Nanosystem Chemistry at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, was awarded the “Röntgenpreis 2018” at the annual concert of the Universitätsbund. The prize recognizes his outstanding work and achievements in the field of dynamic covalent chemistry and the construction of defined cage structures.
Award with a long tradition
The “Röntgenpreis”, jointly awarded by the University of Würzburg and the Universitätsbund, is given annually to highly successful young scientists from the field of natural sciences and humanities, who have not yet been appointed to a lifetime professorship. The prize money of € 5,000 is funded by the Walter Preh Foundation, which was founded in 1984 under the patronage of the Universitätsbund. The beginnings of this award go back to the year 1942 when the chairman of the Universitätsbund and entrepreneur Jakob Preh from Bad Neustadt donated the first “Röntgenpreis” on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Universitätsbund.
Twicely awarded
Florian Beuerle has been working as a junior research group leader at the Institute of Organic Chemistry at the University of Würzburg since 2010. His research group is working on porous materials built by supramolecular interactions or dynamic covalent reactions. The "Röntgenpreis" is already the second prestigious award for the young scientist in 2018. In September he was awarded the ORCHEM Prize 2018 of the Liebig Association for Organic Chemistry in the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh). This shows that the Institute of Organic Chemistry and the Center for Nanosystem Chemistry offer excellent working conditions for young scientists at the beginning of their careers. “The two awards are a nice token that we have been able to establish an internationally visible research program in recent years," says Florian Beuerle.
PD Dr. Florian Beuerle, Institut für Organische Chemie & Center for Nanosystems Chemistry (CNC), Universität Würzburg, T +49 931 31 83603, florian.beuerle@uni-wuerzburg.de