Deutsch Intern

Special Award for Engaging Online Teaching by the Medical Faculty


Ann-Christin was awarded one of the special awards for "Engaging Online Teaching" by the Faculty of Medicine in Würzburg .

Ann-Christin was awarded one of the Special Awards for Engaging Online Teaching by the Faculty of Medicine in Würzburg for the undergraduate lecture “Organische Chemie für Studierende der Medizin, der Biomedizin, der Zahnmedizin und der Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften“, a lecture Ann-Christin gave in the summer term.

In this lecture, the students learn about basic organic chemistry such as functional groups, classical reaction types as well as natural products and biomolecules. The considerable number of different subtopics requires steady and constant work by the students. During the online classes with more than 200 participants, chat questions, menti-meter votings, joint word clouds and training questions were used to interact with each other.

Special thanks go to Prof. Anke Krüger for her support regarding content and materials for the lecture as well as to Dr. Christian Stadler and Dr. Michael Büchner for their engagement with respect to organisation of the tutorial groups, exams and particularly in the accompanying practical course.
