Congratulations to Malte
Congratulations to Malte who finished his joint Master’s Thesis with AK Högger and Meinel! We hope to see you soon and wish you all the best for the future.
moreCongratulations to Malte who finished his joint Master’s Thesis with AK Högger and Meinel! We hope to see you soon and wish you all the best for the future.
moreOur first PhD student Marvin just defended his Thesis and may now be called Dr. Grüne.
moreIsabelle has handed in her Bachelor's Thesis titled "Weißes Gold: Detaillierte Untersuchung und Charakterisierung von Elagolix Salzen". Congratulations and all the best for your future studies.
moreThe first paper from Marvin, is one of the most popular articles in 2020 in the Journal of Materials Chemistry B.
As our first PhD student, Marvin, will be finished soon with his defense, the group came together to craft his mortarboard.
moreLast Tuesday, we had our first online game night this year.
Not only did current members of team Pöppler join, but also some former students.
It was great seeing you all again and we all hope for a repetition soon.
moreCongratulations to Lucas who finished his Bachelor's Thesis on 1st March 2021! We wish him the best for his further studies!
moreOur first PhD-candidate, Marvin, has successfully handed in his PhD Thesis.
While we are happy for him, we are going to miss him in our office!
We wish him all the best for his upcoming defense and future job.
moreRight before Christmas, we did our first online group Christmas event.
moreCongratulations to Christina who finished her “Zulassungsarbeit” on 16th December 2020! We wish her the best for her further studies!
moreCongratulations to Theresa who finished her joint Master’s Thesis with AK Groll! She will start her PhD studies in February 2021 in our working group!
moreAnn-Christin presented current research topics of the group at two different occasions: the Virtual German NMR Users' Meetings and as part of the local GDCh lecture series at the University of Ulm.
moreAnn-Christin was awarded one of the special awards for "Engaging Online Teaching" by the Faculty of Medicine in Würzburg .
moreCongratulations to Laurina who finished her “Zulassungsarbeit” on 26th November 2020! We wish her the best for her future as a teacher!
moreCongratulations to Sönke for finishing his joint Bachelor Thesis with AK Luxenhofer about “Size matters! Poly-2-oxazoline based block-copolymers for drug delivery: Structural Insights with solid-state NMR and complementary methods“. Now he is joining our workgroup as a research assistant! Good luck for your future master studies in Biofabrication!