
Prof. Robert Luxenhofer (University of Würzburg, University of Helsinki)
Investigation of the underlying drug-polymer interactions responsible for different polymer dependent drug loadings observed by the Luxenhofer group (Luxenhofer et al. JACS 2017). To gain molecular insights, solid-state NMR at different MAS frequencies complemented by GIPAW (CASTEP) calculations are employed.
L. Hahn, T. Zorn, J. Kehrein, T. Kielholz, A.-L. Ziegler, S. Forster, B. Sochor, E. S. Lisitsyna, N. A. Durandin, T. Laaksonen, V. Aseyev, C. Sotriffer, K. Saalwächter, M. Windbergs, A.-C. Pöppler and R. Luxenhofer
ACS Nano, 2023, XXX.
Unravelling an Alternative Mechanism in Polymer Self-Assemblies: An Order-Order Transition with Unusual Molecular Interactions between Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Polymer Blocks
M. S. Haider, M. M. Lübtow, S. Endres, S. Forster, V. J. Flegler, B. Böttcher, V. O. Aseyev, A.-C. Pöppler, R. Luxenhofer
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2020, 12, 22, 24531–24543.
Think beyond the core: The impact of the hydrophilic corona on the drug solubilization using polymer micelles
DOI: 10.1021/acsami.9b22495
A.-C. Pöppler, M. Lübtow, J. Schlauersbach, J. Wiest, L. Meinel, R. Luxenhofer
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2019, 58, 18540 –18546.
Loading dependent Structural Model of Polymeric Micelles Encapsulating Curcumin by Solid‐State NMR Spectroscopy
DOI: 10.1002/anie.201908914

Assistant Prof. Dr. Irina Delidovich (TU Wien)
Structural characterization of boronic acid functionalized cross-linked polymers for the application in mixture separation. 1H, 13C CP/MAS and 11B NMR are versatile tools to study the binding and release of diols to and from the boronic acid moiety located inside the polymer. Further studies also include tin organic frameworks, which can be used as catalysts, or studies with zeolithe.
T. Zensen, T. Röper, T. Fuchs, N. M. Sackers, S. Bachmann, A.-C. Pöppler, A. Jupke, R. Palkovits, I. Delidovich
Applied Material Today, 2022, 28, 101523.
Porous organic frameworks for preferable adsorption of trans-1,2-diols over cis-1,2-diols
DOI: 10.1016/j.apmt.2022.101523
G. Schroer, V. Toussaint, B. Heyman, J. Büchs, A.-C. Pöppler, I. Delidovich
Curr. Res. Green Sustainable Chem. , 2022, 5, 100297.
Recovery of biobased 2,3-butanediol from fermentation broths by liquid-phase adsorption onto phenylboronate polymers
DOI: 10.1016/j.crgsc.2022.100297
G. Schroer, V. Toussaint, S. Bachmann, A.-C. Pöppler, C. H. Gierlich and I. Delidovich
ChemSusChem , 2021, 14, 5207–521.
Functional phenylboronate polymers for the recovery of diols, sugar alcohols, and saccharides from aqueous solution
DOI: 10.1002/cssc.202002887
Prof. Jürgen Groll (University of Würzburg)
Charakterisation of polymeric materials.
J. Blöhbaum, I. Paulus, A.-C. Pöppler, J. Tessmar, J. Groll
J. Mater. Chem. B, 2019, 7, 1782-1794
Influence of charged groups on the cross-linking efficiency and release of guest molecules from thiol-ene cross-linked poly(2-oxazoline) hydrogels
DOI: 10.1039/C8TB02575D
Prof. Dr. Lorenz Meinel (University of Würzburg)
Biorelevant media and pharmaceutical applications were investigated by solid-state NMR and NMR in solution to gain insights into the intermolecular interactions between the components.
L. Scheller, S. Bachmann, T. Zorn, S. Hanio, U. Gbureck, D. Fatouros, A.-C. Pöppler, L. Meinel
Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm, 2023, XXX.
Solid microemulsion preconcentrates on pH responsive metal-organic framework for tableting
S. Endres, E. Karaev, S. Hanio, J. Schlauersbach, C. Kraft, T. Rasmussen, R. Luxenhofer, B. Böttcher, L. Meinel, A.-C. Pöppler
J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2022, 606, 1179–1192.
Concentration and composition dependent aggregation of Pluronic- and Poly-(2-oxazolin)-Efavirenz Formulations in Biorelevant Media
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2021.08.040
Prof. Matthias Lehmann (University of Würzburg)
To gain insights into the the packing and intermolecular interactions solid-state NMR can be used to investigate liquid crystals.
M. Lambov, N.Hensiek, A.-C. Pöppler, M. Lehmann
ChemPlusChem 2020, 85, 2219-2229.
Columnar Liquid Crystals from Star‐shaped Conjugated Mesogens as Nano‐Reservoirs for Small Acceptors
DOI: 10.1002/cplu.202000341