Prof. Dr. Frank Würthner

The Institute of Chemistry of the Academia Sinica in Taiwan honors Frank Würthner, nominating him as the recipient of the “Ta-shue Chou Lectureship Award” and inviting him to Taipeh.

Prof. Dr. Frank Würthner

This prestigious distinction has been awarded to Frank Würthner and four other scientists from the University of Würzburg this year. The five faculty members and one researcher honoured as "Citation Laureate" are among the most frequently cited and hence most influential authors in their fields of research.


Prof. Frank Würthner has been elected member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. Both academies are thus honouring Würthner’s outstanding scientific achievements.


Prof. Eichii Nakamura not only impressed the audience of the Siegfried Hünig Lecture 2017 with unique movies of real molecules but also demonstrated his excellent skills as a baroque flute player.
