Hot Topics
Doctoral Defense
On 13th February 2025 Floriane Sturm successfully defended her doctoral thesis on Photoinduced Processes in Azaphenanthrenes, Aza- and Azaboranaphthalenes and Their Dimers.
Congratulations! We wish you all the best for the future!
New publication
Emil Karaev, Marius Gerlach, Dorothee Schaffner, Sarah E. Dutton, Maggie D. Phillips, Patrick Hemberger, AnGayle K. Vasiliou, Ingo Fischer
Threshold photoelectron spectroscopy of organosulfur radicals
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024, 26, 28939-28946
Visitor from France
Welcome to Oriane Shviro from the Université Paris-Saclay. Her research visit is supported by BayFrance (Franco-Bavarian University cooperation center).
New publication
Dorothee Schaffner, Marius Gerlach, Emil Karaev, John Bozek, Ingo Fischer, Reinhold F. Fink
Experimental and theoretical investigation of the Auger electron spectra of isothiocyanic acid, HNCS
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024, 26, 27972 – 27987
New publication
Floriane Sturm, Christoph Herok, Ingo Fischer
Non-Radiative Deactivation in Isolated Quinoline
J. Phys. Chem. A, 2024, Article ASAP
New publication
Klaus Hofmann, Luisa Martin, Ingo Fischer
A Novel Incident Circular Polarized Light Raman Optical Activity (ICP-ROA) Spectrometer With Advanced Polarization Control
J Raman Spectrosc., 2024
Beam time at Synchrotron SOLEIL
From 09.07. to 15.07.24 Dorothee Schaffner, Emil Karaev, Lilith Wohlfart, Katharina Theil and Prof. Dr. Ingo Fischer were at the PLEIADES beamline at the synchrotron Soleil in France where they investigated reactive molecules by soft X-ray radiation.
IPTC Summer Party 2024
This year we celebrated the traditional IPTC summer party. In addition to the delicious barbecue, there was also a lighthearted competition between the different research groups. We won at the disciplines “laser minigolf” and “best salad” and took the trophy home. We thank the organizers for a great event.
New publication
Dorothee Schaffner, Theo Juncker von Buchwald, Emil Karaev, Michele Alagia, Robert Richter, Stefano Stranges, Sonia Coriani, Ingo Fischer
The x-ray absorption spectrum of the tert-butyl radical: An experimental and computational investigation
J. Chem. Phys. 14 July 2024; 161 (3): 034309
Faculty Prize 2024
We are pleased to announce that our former PhD student Marius Gerlach has been awarded this year's Faculty Prize for Chemistry and Pharmacy on 22 June 2024 for his dissertation on "Spectroscopy of fulminic acid HCNO with VUV- and soft X-ray radiation". Congratulations to him!
Beamtime at the Free-Electron Laser FLASH
From 27.05 to 02.06.2024 Katharina Theil, Jonas Fackelmayer and Ingo Fischer were at the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY in Hamburg. During this time they investigated the excited-state dynamics of 1,4-Azaborin and HNCS utilizing the free-electron-laser FLASH. They were supported by co-workers of the group of Markus Gühr.
New publication
Emil Karaev, Marius Gerlach, Katharina Theil, Gustavo A. Garcia, Christian Alcaraz, Jean-Christophe Loison, Ingo Fischer
Photoelectron spectrum of the pyridyl radical
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024, 26, 17042-17047
Beamtime at the Synchrotron Elettra
From May 27th to June 6th, Dorothee Schaffner, Emil Karaev, Andreas Rasp, and Valentin von Laffert were at the Gas Phase Beamline at the Elettra Synchrotron in Basovizza, Trieste. Together with Michele Alagia and Alessio Bruno, they investigated the propargyl radical using soft X-ray radiation. Following the measurements, there was a short excursion to Trieste, where they watched the sunset at the harbor.
New Bachelorstudent
Welcome to our new bachelorstudent Andreas Rasp.
Have a good time here at the AK Fischer!
New Bachelorstudents
A warm welcome to our new bachelorstudents Anja Wegendt and Jannik Markert.
We wish you a good and successful time at the AK Fischer!
Bunsen Conference 2024
From 25.03. - 27.03.24 the Bunsen Conference 2024 with the title "High-Resolution Structural Methods in Material and Life Sciences" took place in Aachen. Ingo Fischer attended the conference and met our former colleague Domenik Schleier, who is now pursuing his habilitation in physics in Berlin after his postdoc stay in Leiden and Paderborn
Beamtime at the SwissFEL and DPG conference 2024
From 10.03.-16.03.24 Dorothee Schaffner, Emil Karaev, and Ingo Fischer from AK Fischer visited the Maloja Beamline at SwissFEL in Switzerland. There, together with a large team of diverse scientists, they carried out time-resolved experiments using X-ray radiation on phenanthridine. At the same time, the DPG spring conference of the section Atoms, Molecules, Quantum Optics and Photonics took place in Freiburg im Breisgau from 10.03.-15.03.24. Floriane Sturm presented her current work with a talk and Klaus Hofmann, Luisa Martin, Lilith Wohlfart and Jonas Fackelmayer contributed with posters.
2024 HOT PCCP Article
Publication by AKs Fischer and Röhr has been selected as 2024 HOT PCCP article
In the publication Impact of isoelectronic substitution on the excited state processes in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: a joint experimental and theoretical study of 4a,8a-azaboranaphthalene: a joint experimental and theoretical study of 4a,8a-azaboranaphthalene, published in the journal Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, the authors investigate the dynamics of the excited state characterized by a conical intersection of an azaborannaphthalene with time-resolved pump-probe spectroscopy in the gas phase accompanied by calculations.
The publication has been selected as 2024 HOT PCCP article and is freely available until the end of May 2024.
New publications
Floriane Sturm, Michael Bühler, Christoph Stapper, Johannes S. Schneider, Holger Helten, Ingo Fischer, Merle I. S. Röhr
Impact of isoelectronic substitution on the excited state processes in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: a joint experimental and theoretical study of 4a,8a-azaboranaphthalene
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024,26, 7363-7370
Floriane Sturm, Luca Nils Philipp, Marco Flock, Ingo Fischer, Roland Mitric
The Electronic Structures of Azaphenanthrenes and Their Dimers
J. Phys. Chem. A 2024, 128, 7, 1250–1259
Beam time at FELIX in Nijmegen
From 08.01.-19.01.24 Lilith Wohlfart and Floriane Sturm from AK Fischer conducted pyrolysis experiments with DMCB, a four-ring isomer of benzene, using IR/UV Ion Dip spectroscopy at the FELIX laboratory in Nijmegen, Netherlands, in collaboration with beamline scientist Dr. Piero Ferrari Ramirez.
Beamtime at ISMO in France
From 23.09-08.10.2023 Jonas Fackelmayer, Katharina Theil and Ingo Fischer visited the Institute of Molecular Sciences of Orsay (ISMO) in France to perform femtosecond time-resolved experiments. They investigated fulvenallene, 1,4-azaborine and phenanthridine. They were supported by Lionel Poisson and Lou Barreau.
New publication
Marius Gerlach, Dorothee Schaffner, Tobias Preitschopf, Emil Karaev, John Bozek, Fabian Holzmeier, Ingo Fischer
X-ray induced fragmentation of fulminic acid, HCNO
J. Chem. Phys. 159, 114306 (2023)
New Masterstudent
Welcome to our new masterstudent Katharina Theil.
Have a good time here at the AK Fischer!
From 05.09. to 10.09.23 Dorothee Schaffner and Marius Gerlach from AK Fischer were at the Paul-Scherrer-Institut in Switzerland to do pyrolysis measurements of reactive molecules. As the upgrade of the Swiss Light Source (SLS) will start at the end of this month, this was the last beamtime at the VUV beamline for now.
Schwanberglauf 2023
Former and current members of the AK Fischer took part at the Schwanberglauf 2023. After the 10.4 km run uphill they ended the evening at the wine festival in Castell. With a time of 47:09 min Jonas Fackelmayer was the fastest runner of the "Fischerman & Friends" and even finished as 37th runner in the overall statistics.
Graduation ceremony 2023
On 08.07.23 the graduation ceremony took place and three PhD students of the AK Fischer recieved their master diploma. Jonas Fackelmayer gave the speech for the academic course of chemistry and Dorothee Schaffner received the faculty award for the master's course in chemistry.
Beamtime at the Synchrotron Elettra
From 14.06-24.06.23 Dorothee Schaffner, Emil Karaev and Ingo Fischer worked at the Synchrotron Elettra in Trieste to investigate the tert-butyl radical with soft X-ray radiation at the GasPhase Beamline. They were supported by Robert Richter, Michele Alagia (both from the GasPhase Beamline) and Stefano Stranges.
ChemCup 2023
Finally ChemCup again! Although we were already eliminated in the preliminary round, we really had a good time celebrating after such a long time without ChemCup.
Bunsen Conference 2023 in Berlin
From 05.06. - 07.06.23 the Bunsen Conference 2023 took place in Berlin. AK Fischer took part with 6 posters. In addition, Floriane Sturm was awarded a poster prize for her poster. Floriane presented the spectroscopic results of BN-9,10-naphthalene - a BN substituted naphthalene.
New Masterstudent
Welcome to our new masterstudent Luisa Martin.
Have a good time here at the AK Fischer!
Beam time at Synchrotron SOLEIL
From 25.04-01.05.23 Prof. Ingo Fischer, Dorothee Schaffner, Marius Gerlach and Emil Karaev from AK Fischer visited the synchrotron SOLEIL to measure auger and valence electron spectra of isothiocyanic acid together with beamline scientist John Bozek.
New bachelorstudent
Welcome to our new bachelorstudent Oumaima Hammoudi Abbas.
Have a good time here at the AK Fischer!
New publications
Emil Karaev, Marius Gerlach, Lukas Faschingbauer, Jacqueline Ramler, Ivo Krummenacher, Crispin Lichtenberg, Patrick Hemberger, Ingo Fischer
Bonding in Low-Coordinated Organoarsenic and Organoantimony Compounds: A Threshold Photoelectron Spectroscopic Investigation
Chem. Eur. J. 2023, e202300637
Marius Gerlach, Barry Mant, Tobias Preitschopf, Emil Karaev, Dennis Mayer, Heidy M. Quitián-Lara, Patrick Hemberger, John Bozek, Graham Worth, Ingo Fischer
Photoelectron spectroscopy and dissociative photoionization of fulminic acid, HCNO
J. Chem. Phys. 158, 134303 (2023)
2023 Hot PCCP article
In the publication Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of 4-(dimethylamino)benzethyne – an experimental and computational study, published in the Journal Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, the authors investigated the excited-state dynamics of 4-(dimethylamino)benzethyne (4-DMABE) in a combined theoretical and experimental study using surface-hopping simulations and time-resolved ionisation experiments.
The publication has been selected as 2023 HOT PCCP article and is freely available until the end of June 2023.
DPG (SAMOP) 2023
The DPG spring meeting of the section atoms, molecules, quantenphysic and photonic were held from the 06.03.23-10.03.23 in Hannover. Klaus Hofmann, Dorothee Schaffner and Lilith Wohlfart from the work group Fischer contributed with a talk, Lukas Faschingbauer with a poster.
Seminar week at the Kleinwalsertal
The Fischer group went to a work group seminar from the 26.02.23-03.03.23 at the Kleinwalsertal. Also invited were PhD students and master students from the Mitric group as well as former PhD students from the Fischer group. While everyone presented their current work topics in form of interesting presentations during the morning, in the afternoon different activities like hiking or skiing brought the group together. The seminar week was made possible thanks to the Heraeus funding.
New bachelorstudent
Welcome to our new bachelorstudent Leonie Müller.
Have a good time here at the AK Fischer!
Beam Time in Nijmegen
From 16.01.-27.01.23 Floriane Sturm and Tobias Preitschopf from AK Fischer were at the FELIX laboratory in Nijmegen/Netherlands. Together with beamline scientist Dr. Piero Ferrari Ramirez they studied dimers of quinoline and 1,5-Naphthyridin with IR/UV Ion Dip spectroscopy.
New publications
New publication of the AK Fischer:
Tobias Preitschopf, Floriane Sturm, Iuliia Stroganova, Alexander Lemmens, Anouk Rijs, Ingo Fischer
IR/UV Double Resonance Study of the 2-Phenylallyl Radical and its Pyrolysis Products
Chem. Eur. J.. Accepted Author Manuscript
Marius Gerlach, Emil Karaev, Dorothee Schaffner, Patrick Hemberger, Ingo Fischer
Threshold Photoelectron Spectrum of m-Benzyne
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2022, 13, 48, 11295–11299
Beam time at the SLS
From 28.11.-06.12.22 Prof. Ingo Fischer, Marius Gerlach, Emil Karaev, Dorothee Schaffner and Klaus Hofmann from AK Fischer were at the Paul-Scherrer-Insitute in Switzerland to do photolysis experiments at the Swiss Light Source (SLS).
Welcome to our new PhD students Dorothee Schaffner and Jonas Fackelmayer.
We wish you a good and successful time at the AK Fischer!
New PhD student
Welcome to our new PhD student Lilith Wohlfart.
We wish you a good and successful time at the AK Fischer!
Publication in J. Phys. Chem. Lett.

A new publication Stacking Is Favored over Hydrogen Bonding in Azaphenanthrene Dimers has been published in the Journal The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters.
Bunsentagung 2022
From 07.09. - 09.09.22 the Bunsen Conference 2022 took place in Gießen. The AK Fischer took part with 3 lectures and a poster. In addition, Klaus Hofmann received a poster prize for his poster. Klaus presented the Raman Optical Activity spectrometer he built himself, upcoming challenges and shows the first recorded spectra.
Gordon Research Conference 2022
From 07.08. - 12.08.22 the Gordon Research Conference on Frontiers in Size-Selected Cluster Research: Structure, Reactivity and Dynamics took place near Lucca/Italy. Floriane Sturm participated with a poster at the conference as well as at the previous Gordon Research Seminar on Probing the Microscopic Structures and Dynamics of Molecular and Ionic Clusters from 06.08-07-08.22.
IPTC Summer Party 2022
This year we celebrated the return of the traditional IPTC summer party. In addition to the delicious barbecue, there was also a lighthearted competition between the different research groups. In disciplines such as “laser minigolf”, the participants could prove their skills. We thank the organizers for a great event.
Schwanberglauf 2022
Also this year, the AK Fischer traditionally took part on 07/15/2022 in the Schwanberg run after a 2-year corona break. Former and current employees conquered the 10.4 km long mountain run, then ended the evening in a relaxed atmosphere at the Castell wine festival.
New Bachelorstudent
A warm welcome to our new bachelorstudent Lea Wiehl.
We wish you a good and successful time at the AK Fischer!
Corona caused a delay of two years, but finally we now welcome our visiting professor from India Dr. Animesh Kumar Ojha.
He will be working with us from July to September on light harvesting materials: Methylammonium lead iodide (MAPbI3, CH3NH3PbI3) is most promising candidate for fabrication of perovskite solar cells (PSCs) with PCE of 25.7 %. However, the main hurdle in commercialization of PSCs is the instability of MAPbI3 in ambient conditions. Therefore, we planned to investigate the effect of CoCl2 and NiCl2 doping on the stability of MAPbI3 in ambient environment using spectroscopic measurements.
2022 HOT PCCP Article

Publication of AK Fischer selected as 2022 HOT PCCP Article
In the publication Auger electron spectroscopy of fulminic acid, HCNO: an experimental and theoretical study, published in the Journal Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, the authors use the auger spectroscopy to examine fulminic acid.
The publication has been selected as 2022 HOT PCCP article and is freely available until the end of September 2022.
Beam time at Synchrotron SOLEIL
From 26.04. - 02.05.22 Prof. Dr. Ingo Fischer, Marius Gerlach, Emil Karaev, Tobias Preitschopf and Dorothee Schaffner from AK Fischer were at the Synchrotron SOLEIL near Paris to do experiments with synchrotron radiation.
Welcome to AK Fischer
New in the team since the beginning of the year:
Emil Karaev and Klaus Hofmann as PhD students
Jonas Fackelmayer, Christoph Stapper and Dorothee Schaffner are working on their master thesis.
We wish you a good and successful time at the AK Fischer!
2022 HOT PCCP Article

Publication of AK Fischer selected as 2022 HOT PCCP Article
In the publication The gas-phase infrared spectra of the 2-methylallyl radical and its high-temperature reaction products, published on 14.03.2022 in the Journal Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, the authors use IR/UV Ion-Dip-Spectroscopy to examine the radical.
The publication has been selected as 2022 HOT PCCP article and is freely available until the end of June 2022.
2022 HOT PCCP Article

Publication of AK Fischer selected as 2022 HOT PCCP Article
In the publication Photoelectron spectroscopy in molecular physical chemistry, published in the Journal Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, the authors report the recent developments that demonstrate the power of photoelectron spectroscopy.
The publication has been selected as 2022 HOT PCCP article and is freely available until the end of April 2022.
2021 HOT PCCP Article

Publication of AK Fischer selected as 2021 HOT PCCP Article
In the publication Threshold photoelectron spectroscopy of iminoborane, HBNH, published in the Journal Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, the authors report the mass-selected threshold photoelectron spectrum (ms-TPES) of iminoborane (HBNH), generated by pyrolysis of borazine.
The publication has been selected as 2021 PCCP HOT Article and is freely available until the end of March 2022.
Excimer formation dynamics in the isolated tetracene dimer
Publication of AKs Fischer and Mitric cover in Chemical Science
In the puclication, which is the cover of the journal Chemical Science (Vol.12, Number 36), AKs of Prof. Ingo Fischer and Prof. Roland Mitric describe the excimer formation in the isolated tetracene dimer after excitation into the S2 state.
Beamtime at Synchrotron SOLEIL
From 24. - 30.07.21 Prof. Ingo Fischer, Marius Gerlach, Tobias Preitschopf, Emil Karaev and Heidy Quitián-Lara from AK Fischer were in Gives-sur Yvette, south of Paris, to do experiments at Synchrotron SOLEIL.
New publication in J. Phys. Chem. Lett.
In our new publication we present the threshold photoelectron spectrum of cyclobutadiene together with a simulation based on time-dependent wavepacket dynamics.
New Masterstudent
A big welcome back to our new masterstudent Lilith Wohlfart.
We wish you a good and successful time at the AK Fischer!
New Bachelorstudent
A big welcome to our new bachelorstudent:
Kasimir Merlin Philipp
We wish you a good and successful time at the AK Fischer!
New publication in J. Chem. Phys.
New publication about the fragmentation of HNCO published: Fragmentation of isocyanic acid, HNCO, following core excitation and ionization
New Masterstudents
A big welcome to our new masterstudents:
Klaus Hofmann and Emil Karaev
We wish you a good and successful time at the AK Fischer!
HOT PCCP article
Our article Photoelectron spectroscopy of boron-containing reactive intermediates using synchrotron radiation: BH2, BH, and BF, DOI: 10.1039/C9CP06010C has been selected by the Editors of Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. as a 2019 HOT PCCP article. Please find the collection, now including our publication, here. As part of the 2019 HOT articles collection, the article will be made free to access until the end of June 2020.
Measurements at the Synchrotron SOLEIL
From 11. bis 17. Juni 2019 members of the AK Fischer together with colleagues from Potsdam carried out measurements at the soft X-Ray beamline at the Synchrotron SOLEIL in Paris.

AK Fischer at the Bunsentagung 2019
From 30.05. - 01.06.19 the Bunsentagung 2019 took place in Jena. The AK Fischer took part with one lecture and several posters. Furthermore Dr. Fabian Holzmeier, a fomer member of the AK Fischer, was awarded with the Ewald-Wicke-Preis. Congratulations!


New team members
Welcome to our new team members: Tobias Preitschopf as a PhD student and Marius Gerlach is working on his master thesis.
We wish you a good and successful time at the AK Fischer!
Congratulations to Philipp Constantinidis
On 20th March 2019 Philipp Constantinidis successfully defended his doctoral thesis on Untersuchung von Reaktionen bei hohen Temperaturen mit Hilfe von Schwingungsspektroskopie.
We wish you all the best for the future!


Experiments at the Synchrotron SOLEIL, France
In February 2019 Deb Pratim Mukhopadhyay, Domenik Schleier and Ingo Fischer were at the Synchrotron SOLEIL south of Paris, to analyse the hydrogen abstraction of diborane under the condition of the highest safety precaution.


New Co-Worker at the AK Fischer
Since the 1st of November 2018 Dr. Deb Pratim Mukhopadhyay is working as a postdoc at the AK Fischer. We wish you a good and successful time in Würzburg.


On 23th of October 2018 Kai Pachner successfully defended his doctor's thesis Photodissoziationsreaktionen der Xylyl-Radikale , C8H9, und des Benzyl-Radikals, C7H7: Eine Velocity-Map-Imaging Studie. He arleady did his master thesis at the AK Fischer.
We wish you all the best for your future work in Hamburg.

Anja Röder gets Humboldt Research Fellowship
Congratulations to our former member Anja Röder for her Humblodt Research Fellowship. Anja wrote her master (2014) and doctoral thesis (2017) at the AK Fischer.
With the Fellowship she will do research on ultrafast spectroscopy of molecules at the University of Ottawa (Canada), working with the group of Prof. Albert Stolow.
New Co-Worker
Since the beginning of October Christian Matthaei is working as a PhD student at the AK Fischer. Christian studied at the University of Potsdam and he will work on ns-lasersystems. We wish Christian a good and successful time in Würzburg.
Award-winning doctoral thesis
At the traditional Foundation Day ceremony Dr. Anja Röder (AK Fischer) was awarded a prize for her doctoral thesis by the Unterfränkische Gedenkjahrstiftung für Wissenschaft and the University of Wuerzburg. Congratulations!

Welcome to Lisa Lummel (Master) and Lea Bosse (Bachelor). Hope you have a great and successful time!
AK Fischer Lecture on 11th April 2018
On 11th April 2018 (room 0.017, Praktikumsgebäude Z7, 10 am) Deb Pratim Mukhopadhyay of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS), Kolkata, India will hold a lecture about "Low frequency vibrations, vibrational dynamics and energetics of Hydrogen-bonded binary clusters of fluorophenol under isolated condition". You are welcome to join us!
GRK 2112: International Symposium on Molecular Biradicals
From Feb. 27th to March 2nd 2018 the Research Training School GRK 2112 organized an international Symposium on Molecular Biradicals, which took place in the Toscana Hall of the Würzburg Residence. Around 100 scientists from all over the world presented and discussed their most recent research related to biradicals. Topics ranged from modern spectroscopic and computational methods to studies on reactions of biradicals and applications in material science. In particular graduate students and postdocs enjoyed the opportunity to present their work to leading experts in short talks or poster.
For more information about the GRK 2112 visit:

Congratulations Hans-Christian Schmitt!
On 30th of November 2017 Hans-Christian Schmitt successfully defended his doctor's thesis "Deaktivierungsprozesse in isolierten aromatischen Heterocyclen und Pyrene". Congratulations and alle the best for the future!
Laserlab Europe
In September/October 2017 Anja Röder and Isabella Wagner, as one of the first external users, could visit the new ATTOLab User Facility in Saclay, France within a Laserlab Europe Measurement. They were actively supported by Lionel Poisson, Sana Habka and Guillaume Gallician. A big thank you to all of them and also to the laser technicians at the ATTOLab User Facility!

Trip to the Raman lab of Prof. Kiefer
On a Friday in September the Research Group Fischer visited the Raman Lab of Prof. Kiefer in Eisingen. Prof. Kiefer showed us Raman spectra in colour which was a very good way of comprehending this process. Afterwards we had a drink and some excellent Serano ham and discussed the highlights of the history of Raman. A big thank you to Prof. Kiefer!
Prizes at the ChemSystm for the AK Fischer
At the recent ChemSystm organized by the JCF Würzburg Kai Pachner received a prize for the best poster in the field of Theoretical and Physical Chemistry.
Hans-Christian Schmitt won a prize for the best posterappetizer.


ChemCup winners 2016!!!
A dream come true!
For the very first time the AK Fischer has won the prestigious ChemCup and they can call themselves now the best football team of the Faculty for a whole year. Without losing a single match the "Fischerman & Friends" made it to the finals against "Trapper Shorty & die Flintenbois & Shotgungirls" (AK Radius & Finze). It was a fair final and our guest professor Animesh Ojha shot the decisive goal to win the final 3:2. He chipped the ball into the left corner of the net. The victory was then celebrated in style.
Animesh Ojhia - our Guest Scientist from India
Dr. Animesh Kumar Ojhia from the Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad, India is staying with our research group from May until Agust this year. Together with Prof. Ingo Fischer he will be working on "Synthesis and Spectroscopic Investigations of Interfacial Polarization of CeO2, ZrO2 and WO3 Nanostructures Over the Graphene Sheet". We wish him all the best for his stay here in Würzburg!
Measuring at CEA Saclay
In June Anja Röder, Hans-Christian Schmitt and Florian Hirsch from the Fischer Group conducted measurements at the CEA Saclay near Paris. Assisted by Prof. Ingo Fischer and Dr. Lionel Poisson.
They also took the chance to meet former fellow Fabian Holzmeier, who now works as PostDoc at Synchrotron Soleil in Paris.
Experiments at the PLEIADES beamline
In June 15 a team from our group investigated in a cooperation with the group of Markus Gühr (Stanford) the inner shell ionisation of HNCO. The experiments were carried out at the soft x-ray beamline PLEIADES at the storage ring SOLEIL. We received great support from Christophe Nicolas and Saikat Nandi.
New GRK approved
On 08th of May the new GRK 2112 "Molecular biradicals: structure, properties and reactivity" was approved for funding by the DFG.
Website of the GRK 2112