Deutsch Intern
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy

Emil-Fischer-Fellowship-Programme (EFF)

Emil-Fischer-Fellowship-Programm der Fakultät

The programme

In an effort to provide active support for early career lecturers, the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy launched its Emil Fischer Fellowship Programme in 2011.

The Programme was also designed to provide an incentive for researchers to deliver excellence from the start of their careers. For this purpose, outstanding junior researchers who have demonstrated their ability to develop promising approaches to research in their fields are entrusted with independent responsibility for their research and teaching activities at an early stage of their careers. Emil Fischer Fellows have many of the rights that Junior Professors have.

Application Form



Emil Fischer

The Fellowship is named after Emil Hermann Fischer (1852 - 1919), who taught chemistry at the University of Würzburg between 1885 and 1892. Emil Fischer acquired his reputation as a chemist with his studies on sugars at Würzburg. In 1902, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work on carbohydrates and purines.


  1. Research lectureship (Forschungsdozentur; Heisenberg Fellowship, Stifterverband etc.)
  2. Habilitation candidates at the Faculty after successful completion of their intermediate evaluation
  3. Acquisition of funding for own salary
  • Emmy Noether Fellowship
  • Sofja Kovalevskaja Award
  • Liebig Fellowship
  • ERC Starting Grant
  • Other fellowships or awards the Habilitation committee considers equivalent


  • Opportunity to supervise doctoral researchers as well as Bachelor’s and Master's thesis projects 
  • Opportunity to independently deliver lectures
  • Membership of the University’s professorial staff
  • Opportunity to work as an independent research unit
  • Authorised examiner (Bachelor’s and Master’s as well as doctoral programmes) 

Contact and further information

Ute Link

Zentralgebäude Chemie, Raum 029
Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg

Telefon: 0931 31 85365
Telefax: 0931 31 84607

Current Emil-Fischer Fellows at our Faculty

Guinevere Giffin Ph.D.

Research Group Leader

Fraunhofer R&D Center for Electromobility Bavaria
Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung ISC
Neunerplatz 2
97082 Würzburg

Tel: +49 931 31 85318

Dr. Jake L. Greenfield

Center for Nanosystems Chemistry (CNC)

Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg, Germany

Phone: +49 931 31-84404


Dr. Clemens Grimm

Research Group Leader at the Chair of Biochemistry I

Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg

Raum B118

Phone: +49 931 31-84031


Dr. Merle Röhr

Center for Nanosystems Chemistry

97074 Würzburg

Tel: +49 931 31 89072