As an employee of the Faculty for Chemistry and Pharmacy here you will find information about offers and services as well as related links for employees.
Chemicals and MaterialsNMR SpectroskopyMass spectrometryElemental analysisGlassblowingCentral Workshop Chemistry
Corporate Design templates of the faculty
Calender Periodic Table of the Elements
Occupational safetyWaste disposalFire safetyRadiation protectionGenetic engeneeringHazardous materialsCompany doctorData protection officer
WueAdress (email and phone directory)Course catalogeinBLICKProfiLehrePortal LehreCorporate Design templatesProcurement of the datacenter (Hardware, Software, Networking Components)Deadlines and datesCalendar of events
Welcome CenterProcurementsBudgetary mattersAdministrationABCFormsFurther education
Personnel mattersStaff councilTYPO3