Deutsch Intern
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy

Help and Advice

Our Faculty is committed to ensuring you have the support you need to achieve your goals and make the most of your time at university. Below is a list of people and contact points that offer assistance on a wide variety of academic and social matters, whose services are available to all our students. 

Resources for Critical Situations

The Faculty Women's Representative advises and supports

  • the Faculty by questions of gender equality and the implimentation of our Gender Equality Plan
  • female academics of all qualification levels, from Bachelor students to professors
  • in the case of sexual harassment or discrimination
  • in the case of work conflicts (site available only in German)

Prof. Dr. Ann-Christin Pöppler

Institut für Organische Chemie
Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg
Telefon: 0931 31 85620

You would prefer to stay anonymous? You can submit an advising request to the Helpdesk for Sexual Harassment or the Anti-discrimination Helpdesk.

Please Note: Your request will be submitted to a university-intern Advisor, however, not someone on our Faculty. 

Click here to submit an anonymous advising request

Further information on the Helpdesk for Sexual Harassment as well as other resources can be found on the website of the University Women's Representative.

The ombudsperson is available to all doctoral candidates at the Faculty, whether you have questions about your contract, conflicts with your supervisor or questions about your rights. The current ombudsperson is  Prof. Dr. Tobias Hertel. The deputy is  Prof. Dr. Holger Helten

In addition to the resources on our Faculty, the University of Würzburg has issued Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Academic Practice and for Dealing with Academic Misconduct (last amended by Senate resolution of 31 May 2022​​​​ [available only in German]), which are binding for all academics at the university. Ombudpersons and a permanent commission to investigate academic misconduct have been appointed on the basis of these guidelines. In the event of problems, doctoral candidates can contact the current ombudperson for mathematics and the natural sciences. 

While the University of Würzburg does not offer any psychological advising directly, there are a number of such services in Würzburg, some specifically for students. Those services listed below offer advising in English, unless otherwise noted.

Bavarian Crisis Hotline (Kriesendienste Bayern)

Psychotherapeutic Counselling through Student Services (Studierendenwerk)

Protestant Student Community Würzburg (ESG)
Catholic University Community (KHG)

In addition, the Contact and Information Centre for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses (KIS) (website in German) offers counselling and support for study-related problems with existing mental illnesses (e.g. depression, anxiety disorder, ADHD, PTSD). It also provides referrals to suitable centers and advisors. 


Our students are regularly invited to give their feedback on individual courses or their degree programmes in the form of course and programme evaluations. The evaluation results are published in a WueCampus room, which is accessible to all students of the Faculty. The frequency of these evaluations and further details can be found in the faculty's evaluation concept (available only in German). 

If you would like to provide additional feedback that goes beyond the scope or frequency of the normal evaluation cycle, you can contact the Dean of Studies. This is often done via the student council representatives.

The Dean of Studies represents the interests of study and teaching in the faculty management and represents the Faculty in study-related topics.  He or she works to ensure that the courses on offer comply with the examination and study regulations, that the programme can be completed properly within the standard period of study and that students receive appropriate support. He or she is also responsible for the evaluation of the teaching here on our Faculty.

Prof. Dr. Matthias Lehmann

Institut für Organische Chemie, Raum 01.026
Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg
Telefon: 0931 31 83708
Telefax: 0931 31 87350


Sprechzeit (Vorlesungszeitraum): Donnerstag, 13:00 Uhr

Additional Resources

Questions about when to take which course or when you can best fit an internship into your schedule can be directed to your course advisor (Fachstudienberaterin/Fachstudienberater). The contact information for your course advisor can be found under the following links:

Food Chemistry
Functional Materials 
Teaching-Degree Programmes

The Degree Programm Coordinator is responsible for all student questions that cannot be answered by your subject's course advisor. As he is also the course advisor for Chemisty, students pursuing a Bachelors or Masters degree in Chemistry or a Teaching-Degree can also contact him with organisational questions. 

Dr. Peter Fischer

Zentralgebäude Chemie, Raum 027
Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg

Informationen zu  Büro- und Sprechzeiten

Telefon: 0931 31 85353

The KIS  (website in German) supports both current and perspective students with disabilities or chronic illnesses with planning and navigating their studies. They can happily assist with everything from determining the accessibility of buildings and specific courses to applying for possible compensations for disadvantages (ie. additional time, separate space, interpreter, etc.)

If you plan to study or research abroad during your studies, you should begin your planning by contacting the Study Abroad / ERASMUS Coordinator for your subject. The International Office (website in German) can then help with further planning and applications. 

Students can also contact their student council representatives with questions and concerns. Members of the student council sit on various committees on the Faculty and can help you find the correct person to address your issue. 

Additionally, the student councils offer general information for the start of your studies, sell lab coats and safety goggles, lend larger party equiptment such as grills and speakers, and much more. They are also a great way to meet new people. 

(websites all in German)

From the library to Student Services and the Writing Center on through the Career Center, the University of Würzburg offers a wide array of services and advising posts. A full list can be found here (website in German).