Deutsch Intern
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy

Chemistry Teaching Degree


Programme Overview

  • Due to the state regulated examinations required to earn the degree, teaching degree programmes are offered exclusively in German.
  • Teaching degrees can be earned for any level on the Faculty for Chemistry and Pharmacy, with the exception of teaching degrees for trade schools (Berufsschul-Lehramt). The Chemistry teaching degree has unrestricted admissions, though limitations may be placed depending on the choice of second subject. It is only possible to start the teaching degree programme in the winter semester.
  • All teaching degree programmes are divided into three parts. They have a subject-specific component, an educational component and a subject-specific didactic component for each of your two subjects.

Job Prospects

  • Traditionally, student teachers enter the preparatory service (Referendariat) after the first state examination and acquire their second state examination there. This is the prerequisite for becoming a teacher at a public school.
  • In addition, there are many opportunities for employment at private schools, other educational institutions (tutoring, adult education, museums, etc.) and in the media (textbook publishers, press departments, scientific editorial offices).

Teaching Degree Programmes

Please note, as the degree programmes are only offered in German, the following detailed programme information is only available in German.

Lehramt Gymnasium
Lehramt Realschule
Lehramt Grundschule
Lehramt Mittelschule
Chemie als Didaktikfach
Chemie als Erweiterungsfach

Subject Combinations

  • At the high school level (Gymnasium), chemistry can be combined with biology, mathematics, English, geography or physics. 
  • At the secondary school level (Realschule) it is possible to combine chemistry with biology, mathematics, English or physics.

Doctoral Studies

  • A doctorate is possible after successful completion of a high school teaching degree programme (Gymnasiallehramt) in both the subject-specific and subject-didactic areas.
  • The doctoral thesis usually takes three to four years to complete.
  • Further information on the path to a PhD at our faculty can be found here.
