Researchers from Würzburg and Berlin present a new molecule for visualising the sphingomyelin metabolism. This offers prospects for innovative therapeutic approaches in infection research.
moreResearchers from Würzburg and Berlin present a new molecule for visualising the sphingomyelin metabolism. This offers prospects for innovative therapeutic approaches in infection research.
moreAm Samstag, dem 22. Juni 2024, fand um 15.00 Uhr die Akademische Abschlussfeier der Fakultät für Chemie und Pharmazie in der Neubaukirche statt. In diesem Rahmen wurden die besten Absolventinnen und Absolventen mit dem Fakultätspreis 2023/24 ausgezeichnet.
moreWürzburg researchers from the Bavarian Solar Technologies Go Hybrid network are reporting progress on the road to more efficient utilisation of solar energy: they have developed an innovative light collection system.
moreDonna Blackmond, professor at the Scripps Research Institute in California, spoke about this topic on the occasion of the Siegfried Hünig Lecture 2024 at the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy.
moreHe had the honor to give the Rudolf Gompper Memorial Lecture, which has been the opening event of every KOPO conference since 1999.