Columns Designed from Nanographenes
Several layers of nanographenes stacked on top of each other: such functional elements could one day be used in solar cells. Würzburg chemists have paved the way for this.
moreSeveral layers of nanographenes stacked on top of each other: such functional elements could one day be used in solar cells. Würzburg chemists have paved the way for this.
moreOn January 16, 2022, Prof. Dr. Qing Ye was appointed as the new Professor of Inorganic Molecular Chemistry at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry.
moreResearchers from Konstanz, Novosibirsk and Würzburg make it possible to read out optically indistinguishable spin states with a new spectroscopy method - published in "Science".
moreWith Kirsten Schöpf, a trainee of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy has once again achieved the best results in the IHK final examination.
moreJunior Professor Ann-Christin Pöppler is Felix-Bloch Lecturer 2021, presented by the division Magnetic Resonance of the German Chemical Society