Deutsch Intern
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy


Two nanographenes (blue) with bulky substituents (grey) have each attached a PAH (red) to give a quadruple dye stack. (Image: Arbeitsgruppe Würthner / Universität Würzburg)

Several layers of nanographenes stacked on top of each other: such functional elements could one day be used in solar cells. Würzburg chemists have paved the way for this.

Principle sketch of the experiment. The charge-separated radical pair (CSS-RP, black curve) decays in about 1000 nanoseconds by recombination of the electrons to singlet or triplet product. The dynamic change of the CSS radical pair between singlet (S) and triplet (T) is only recorded on average over the total reaction time. Using the push-pull technique, the singlet and triplet character of the CSS radical pair can be read out at any time. (Image: Christoph Lambert / Universität Würzburg)

Researchers from Konstanz, Novosibirsk and Würzburg make it possible to read out optically indistinguishable spin states with a new spectroscopy method - published in "Science".


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