48th Conference of the German Liquid Crystal Society
Welcome to GLCC 2022!
Welcome to the website of the 48th German Liquid Crystal Conference 2022 (GLCC 2022), which will be held in the picturesque Franconian city of Würzburg from the 28th to 30th March 2022. After three years during which the pandemic situation prevented an on-site conference, it is the first German Liquid Crystal Meeting that is happening as an almost conventional symposium with direct discussions face-to-face and social events like the conference dinner and wine tasting, which we have missed for so long. Since 2016, there have been several binational meetings with the British (in Edinbourgh 2016, in Würzburg 2017), Benelux (in Luxembourg 2018) and Polish Liquid Crystal Societies (in Magdeburg 2021), but the current GLCC2022 is now a true international and European meeting with participants from France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, India and Taiwan. This shows that it is possible to work jointly and peacefully together over borders of countries and ethnical limits, to exchange data and experiences focussing towards a single aim – to increase the scientific knowledge and make the world a little better in the future. This universal target is especially important in these times considered a political turning point in European history.
Owing to COVID regulations, we changed the location of the scientific conference program from the Residence, in which all the social events are located, to the Campus Hubland, Seminar and Lecture Building Z6. In this building, we can keep distances during the conference which allows us to take off the FFP2 masks during the oral presentations. Particpants can arrive easily by bus from the city centre or car at Campus Hubland. Paring lots are available. For more information see the booklet.
The social events, wine tasting and the conference dinner will take place in the Residence at a walking distance to most of the hotels in the city center. The Residence with the Court Gardens and Residence Square belongs since 1981 to the Unesco World Heritage and invites every conference participant walk in the beautiful court gardens.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Würzburg.
The conference chairs
Matthias Lehmann and Heiner Detert
Download the Program Book
Conference Chair
Conference Chair