
Early-bird registration (until 31.01.2022): Staff 200€ (society members of DFKG), 240 € (non-members of the DFKG), students 110 €.
Late registration (after 31.01.2022): staff 270 € and students 130 €, respectively.
Start of Registration: 10. December 2021
Registration Deadline: 31. January 2022
Registered delegates are able to attend all conference talks, poster sessions and exhibitions. The registration fee includes, coffee breaks, the wine tasting with light meal on Monday, March 28th and the conference dinner on Tuesday, March 29th.
Cancellation conditions: 100 % refund before 1.02.2022; 50 % refund before 15.03.2022. We cannot offer refunds after 15.03.2022.
Note: Accommodations must be booked separately. The accommodation page provides information on different hotels and the distance to the planned conference location.
Each participant will need to make his own reservation.
With the participation at the conference, students are invited to participate in the master module "Liquid Crystals from Synthesis to Application" free of charge. Please indicate your participation on the registration form.
Registration Form
* Required Fields
Bank details / Bankverbindung
Please transfer the conference fee to the following account:
Bitte überweisen Sie den fälligen Betrag auf folgendes Konto:
Staatsoberkasse Bayern
Bayerische Landesbank München
IBAN: DE75 7005 0000 0001 1903 15
Reference: GLCC2022-"Given Name"-"Affiliation"(e.g.:-Max Mustermann-Universität Würzburg), Reference number: 0002.0177.1939.