Just Published in Chemical Communications
Transformation of the ionic liquid [EMIM][B(CN)4] into anionic and neutral lanthanum tetracyanoborate coordination polymers by ionothermal reactions
MehrTransformation of the ionic liquid [EMIM][B(CN)4] into anionic and neutral lanthanum tetracyanoborate coordination polymers by ionothermal reactions
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MehrElectronic Influences on the Stability and Kinetics of Cp* Rhodium(III) Azide Complexes in the iClick Reaction with Electron-Poor Alkynes
MehrSelf-Assembly of 9,10-Bis(phenylethynyl) Anthracene (BPEA) Derivatives: Influence of π–π and Hydrogen-Bonding Interactions on Aggregate Morphology and Self-Assembly Mechanism