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  • RöntgenstrukturanalyseKristallmontage
Institut für Anorganische Chemie

Just Published in ChemComm


Hybrid materials comprising ferrocene and diaminoborane moieties: linear concatenation versus macrocyclization

Authors: Johannes S. Schneider, Holger Helten

Abstract: Rare examples of three-coordinate aluminum cations of the form [(NHC)⋅AlMes2]+[B(C6F5)4] and their etherate analogues [(NHC) ⋅ AlMes2(OEt2)]+[B(C6F5)4]are presented. The Lewis-acidity of the cations was evaluated theoretically and experimentally to be very high. These cationic Lewis-acids form a frustrated Lewis-pair (FLP) upon addition of the phosphine PCy3, which reacts with small molecules such as CO2, ethene, and 2-butyne.

Link: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2024/cc/d4cc03813d
