    Prof. Dr. Reinhold Tacke



    The inside cover picture shows how by replacing the Si −CH2−CH2−Si group of disila-okoumal by a Si−CH2−Si or Si−O−Si unit, the volatility could significantly be improved to take full advantage of the C/Si exchange. The best 2R,4R-configured lower homologue (turquoise) overlaid on okoumal (green) is shown in front of an okoumé tree (photo courtesy of Roman Kaiser, Givaudan). For details see the communication by R. Tacke et al. on p. 315 ff.

    R. Tacke, J.B. Nätscher, N. Laskowski, P. Kraft, Lower homologs of okoumal and disila-okoumal: syntheses and olfactory  characterization of novel ambergris odorants, ChemBioChem 11, 315-319 (2010). Lesen Sie mehr ...