Open Positions
Motivated students who would like to work on interdisciplinary research project in Physical Organic chemistry are highly encouraged to contact us to join our group for Bachelor, Master, PhD thesis or as a Forschungspraktikant.
What we offer,
- The opportunity to work on an interdisciplinary and cutting edge research project on functional chiral molecules in a highly collaborative and international research environment.
- Bachelors and master student can develop their skills in
> Synthetic organic chemistry
> Photoreactions
> Routine and advanced purification techniques
> Handling of air and moisture sensitive compounds using Schlenk line or glove box
> Structural assignment using 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy
> Basic physical chemistry–chemical kinetics and thermodynamics
> Preliminary DFT calculations using Gaussian software
For any further queries please contact:
Dr. Prince Ravat
Room 00.001
Institute of Organic Chemistry
University of Würzburg
Am Hubland 97074 Würzburg, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)931-31-81583