Hermann was selected as one of six finalists from six European countries to present their work at the Symeres facilities in Nijmegen (The Netherlands).
MehrHermann was selected as one of six finalists from six European countries to present their work at the Symeres facilities in Nijmegen (The Netherlands).
MehrManisha Walunj was awarded a poster prize at the 29th Annual Meeting of the RNA SOCIETY for her poster presentation. Congratulations for this award!
MehrCongratulations Dr Carolin Scheitl for receiving the "Gemeinsamen Promotionspreis der Unterfränkischen Gedenkjahrstiftung für Wissenschaft und der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg"
On December 19th, 2023 Hermann Neitz successfully defended his PhD on "Hydrophobic recognition motifs in functionalized DNA". Many congratulations and all best wishes for a bright future!
MehrDr. Reich-Preis für Tina Jungnickel und Tobias Groß.
MehrOn October 30th, 2023 Carolin SCheitl successfully defended her PhD on "In vitro selected ribozymes for RNA methylation and labeling". Many congratulations and all best wishes for a bright future!
MehrCongratulations! Julia Dietzsch is among the three poster awardees at the CMMC Symposium 2023 in Molecular Medicine!
Zum XI. Nucleinsäurechemietreffen der DNG am 14.-15.9.2023 versammelten sich ca 120 Teilnehmer an der Universität Würzburg um sich über ihre neuesten Forschungsergebnisse auszutauschen.
MehrWe report the ribozyme SAMURI which uses a synthetic SAM analogue as cofactor to make RNA in cells accessible for labeling by Click Chemistry. Just published in Nature Chemistry. Congrats to Takumi Okuda and all coauthors!
MehrFalling Walls 2023 Winner | Life Science
Unlocking RNA’s potential: Claudia Höbartner’s exploration of functional nucleic acids
MehrOur project "Molecular evolution of RNA-modifying ribozymes" is among this year's Falling Walls Finalists in the Life Science category.
On April 28th, 2023 Florian Seitz successfully defended his PhD on "Synthesis, enzymatic recognition and antiviral properties of modified purine nucleosides". Congratulations and all best wishes for a bright future!
MehrOn April 3rd, 2023 Carina Stiller successfully defended her PhD on "Synthesis and applications of modified nucleosides and RNA nucleotides". Congratulations and all best wishes for a bright future!
MehrClaudia Höbartner is being honoured for her outstanding research on the nucleic acids DNA and RNA: She receives the prestigious Leibniz Prize by the DFG.
MehrClaudia has been awarded the 2022 Meyerhof Medal from the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research.