English Intern
Institut für Organische Chemie

Prof. M. J. Fuchter: "Maximising dissymmetry and handling directionality in chiral materials"

Datum: 07.11.2022, 17:15 - 18:30 Uhr
Kategorie: Vortrag
Ort: Hubland Süd, Geb. C3 (Zentralbau Chemie), HS C
Veranstalter: Universität Würzburg, Dr. Prince Ravat
Vortragende: Prof. M. J. Fuchter

Organisch-chemisches Kolloquium

Das Institut für Organische Chemie lädt ein zum Vortrag von

Prof. Matthew J. Fuchter, Imperial College London


 "Maximising dissymmetry and handling directionality in chiral materials"

Abstract: "We have an ongoing interest in the development of conjugated chiral molecules which can emit and detect circularly-polarized light within thin film materials and in organic electronic devices. Using a range of chiral materials – helicenes, fullerenes and polymers – this talk will give an overview of our strategies to maximise the selectivity of such chiral-optical responses through molecular design, materials processing and device architecture".
