
Oral Presentations


  • "Low melting BTBT mesogens with ambipolar charge carrier transport"

Leonard Fink, Matthias Lehmann;

29th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC2024),

Rio de Janeiro, 23.07.2024

  • "Copying Nature - Impact of DNA Bases on the Self-Assembly of Star Mesogens"

Katja Noll, Matthias Lehmann;

50th German Liquid Crystal Conference (GLCC2024), University Duisburg-Essen,

Essen, 14.03.2024

  • "Weakly coordinating borate anions as ionic liquid crystals"

Pascal Weinberger, Maik Finze, Guinevere Giffin, Mario Weller, Stephanie Bachmann, Ann-Christin Pöppler, Matthias Lehmann;

50th German Liquid Crystal Conference (GLCC2024), University Duisburg-Essen,

Essen, 13.03.2024


  • "Supramolecular Click Mechanism and Fullerene-Substituted Porphyrin Star Mesogens – a Success Story?"

Lisa Reber, Matthias Lehmann;

  • "Space-filling in polar phases of star-shaped molecules with C60 fullerenes by covalent attachment"

Maximilian Baumann, Matthias Lehmann;

49th German Liquid Crystal Conference (GLCC2023), University of Stuttgart,

Stuttgart, 22.03.2022


  • "Functional Liquid Crystal Materials - The Importance of Molecular Design for the Control over 2D and 3D Ordered Self-Assemblies"

Nikolai Scheuring, Matthias Lehmann;

48th German Liquid Crystal Conference (GLCC2022), University of Würzburg,

Würzburg, 29.03.2022


  • "Functional Liquid Crystal Materials - The Importance of Molecular Design for the Control over 2D and 3D Ordered Self-Assemblies"

Matthias Lehmann;

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina,

Florianópolis (Brasil), 30.09.2019

  • "Functional Liquid Crystal Materials - The Importance of Molecular Design for the Control over 2D and 3D Ordered Self-Assemblies"

Matthias Lehmann;

XVIII MRS Conference,  Balneárío Camboríú (Brasil),


  • "Filled liquid crystals - A general concept for the formation of donor-acceptor materials"

Moritz Dechant, Matthias Lehmann;

46th German Liquid Crystal Conference (GLCC2019), University of Paderborn,

Paderborn (Germany), 28.03.2019


  • "Stimuli responsive LC materials - Structural control from 1D to 3D assemblies by molecular design"

Markus Hügel, Moritz Dechant, Steffi Gloza, Philipp Maier, Matthias Lehmann;

Invited Talk at the University of Kassel,

Kassel (Germany), 14.08.2018.

  • "Self-Asssembly of Phthalocyanin-Oligothiophene-Fullerene Triades in Interconnected Columnar Mesophases - A New Perspective for Organic Photovoltaics?"

Matthias Lehmann, Moritz Dechant, Markus Hügel;

Invited Talk at the University of Osaka,

Osaka (Japan), 30.07.2018.

  • "Fullerene-Filled LC Stars – A Supramolecular “Click” Mechanism for the Generation of Tailored Donor-Acceptor Self-Assemblies"

Markus Hügel, Moritz Dechant, Steffi Gloza, Philipp Maier, Matthias Lehmann;

Invited Talk at the International Liquid Crystal Conference 2018,

Kyoto (Japan), 23.07.2018.

  • "Fullerene-Filled Star Mesogens - On the Way to Liquid Crystal Photovoltaics?"

Matthias Lehmann, Moritz Dechant, Markus Hügel,

45th German Liquid Crystal Conference (GLCC2018),

Luxembourg (Luxembourg), 23.03.2018.

  • "Organic Materials based on Liquid Crystals"

Matthias Lehmann, Moritz Dechant, Martin Lambov, Nikolai Scheuring,

Université Libre de Bruxelles,

Brussels (Belgium), 20.03.2018.

  • "Fullerene-Filled Liquid-Crystalline Nanostructures - A Possible Solution for Photovoltaics?"

Matthias Lehmann;

Invited Talk at the International Conference on Chemistry (Chem07),

Cairo (Egypt), 05.03.2018.


  • „Using Free Space in Liquid Crystals for the Rational Design of Donor-Acceptor Liquid Crystal Assemblies'“,

Moritz Dechant, 9th Workshop on Conjugated Oligomers and Polymers (KOPO),

Bad Honnef (Germany), August 2017.

  • "Free Space in Liquid Crystals – Generation, Design and Application",

European Conference on Liquid Crystals (ECLC2017),

Moskau (Russia), 26.06.2017.

  • "Donor/Acceptor Porphyrin-TTF/Oligothiophene Star Dyad: Potential Photovoltaic Materials",

Dr. Tapas Ghosh, 2nd German-British Liquid Crystal Conference,

Würzburg (Germany), 04.04. 2017.

  • "Free Space in Liquid Crystals – Generation, Design and Application",

Invited Talk at the University of Osaka,

Osaka (Japan), 21.02.2017.

  • "Generation of Void with Shape-Persistent Mesogens – Benefit or Malediction for the Formation of Liquid Crystals?",

Invited Talk at the Ryukoku University,

Seta (Japan), 20.02.2017.

  • "Free Space in Liquid Crystals – Generation, Design and Application",

Invited Talk at the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Meeting,

Tokyo (Japan), 17.02.2017.

  • "Free Space in Liquid Crystals – Generation, Design and Application",

3rd Asian Conference on Liquid Crystals (ACLC 2017),

Tainan (Taiwan), 14.02.2017.


  • "Functional Liquid-Crystalline Hybrid Materials - from Supermesogens to Fulleren Triple Helices",

Invited Talk, Universität Duisburg-Essen,


  • "Filled Functional Liquid Crystals - Star-Shaped Stilbenoid Hosts With Nanosegregated Guests",

International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 2016),

Kent (USA), June 2014.

  • "New Shape-Amphiphiles Self-Assembling in Filled Columnar Mesophases",

Markus Hügel, 1st Joint Conference of the British and German Liquid Crystal Societies,

Edinburgh (UK), 23.03.2016.

  • "First Generation Shape-Persistent Stilbenoid LC-Dendrimers - A Game with Free Space",

Plenary Speaker at the V Encuentro sobre Dendrimeros (EDEN 2016),

Zaragoza (Spain), 25.01.2016.


  • "Functional liquid-crystalline hybrid materials with star-shaped oligophenylenevinylene mesogens",

COPO (Würzburg 2015),

Würzburg (Germany), 30.09.2015.

  • "New Design Principle for the preparation of complex, functional liquid crystalline hybrid materials",

European Conference on Liquid Crystals (ECLC 2015),

Manchester (UK), 08.09.2015.

  • "Functional liquid crystalline hybrid materials – from hydrogen bonded Supermesogens to Fullerene triple helices",

Invited Talk at the Universidad de Chile,

Santiago de Chile (Chile), 12.08.2015.

  • "Liquid Crystal Endo-Receptors Forming Supermesogens With Three Guests,

Philipp Maier, 42. Arbeitstagung Flüssigkristalle,

Stuttgart (Germany), 06.03.2015.


  • "Shape-persistent, Star-Shaped Host-Guest Supermesogens",

International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 2014),

Dublin (Ireland), June 2014.

  • "Shape-persistent, Star-Shaped Host-Guest Supermesogens",

M. Lehmann, 41. Arbeitstagung Flüssigkristalle,

Magdeburg (Germany), 27.03.2014.


  • "Folding as a General Principle for the Mesophase Formation of Semiflexible Star-Shaped Mesogens",

Steffi Gloza, 40. Topical Meeting on Liquid Crystals,

Paderborn (Germany), 2013.

  • "The Control of Folding in Semiflexible Star-Shaped Mesogens",

European Conference on Liquid Crystals (ECLC 2013),

Rhodes (Greece), 26.09.2013.

  • "Folding to Unexpected Conformers - a General Principle for the Self-Assembly of Nonconventional Star-Shaped Mesogens",

Invited Talk at the Wissenschaftsforum 2013,

Darmstadt (Germany), 02.09.2013.


  • "Nonconventional Star-shaped Mesogens: Influence and Importance of Folding and Space-Filling for Functional Materials",

International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC2012) and 39. Topical Meeting on Liquid Crystals,

Mainz (Germany), 24.08.2012.


  • "Hekates - from the formation of LC-neno-structures and functional, multichromophore star mesogens",

M. Lehmann, 39. Arbeitstagung Flüssigkristalle,

Hamburg (Germany), 31.03.2011.


  • "Mesomorphe Sternoligomere kombiniert mit Chromophoren - Auf dem Weg zu weichen, hochorganisierten Hybridmaterialien",

M. Lehmann,

Kassel (Germany), 18.10.2010.

  • "Rationales Design von Komplexen Funktionsmaterialien. Synthese und Selbstorganisation in Nanostrukturen",

M. Lehmann,

Paderborn (Germany), 22.07.2010.

  • "Shape-persistent, V-shaped nematogens: Molecular design and nature of their nematic phases - does the ideal angle for stable biaxial nematics exist?",

Invited Talk at the International Liquid Crystal Conference,

Krakow (Poland), July 2010.


  • "Funktionale nichtkonventionelle Flüssigkristalle - rationales Design von neuen selbstorganisierenden, weichen Materialien",

M. Lehmann,

Koblenz (Germany), 13.05.2009.

  • "Rational design of complex functional materials: Synthesis and self-organisation in nanostructures",

M. Lehmann, M. Jahr, S. Gloza, European Liquid Crystal Conference ELCC,

Colmar (France), 19 - 24.04.2009.

  • "Rationales Design von komplexen Funktionsmaterialien: Synthese und Selbstorganisation in Nanostrukturen",

M. Lehmann, M. Jahr, S. Gloza, Chemiedozententagung,

Göttingen (Germany), 08 - 11.03.2009.


  • "Biaxial nematic mesophases from shape persistent, v-shaped mesogens",

Invited Speaker, Symposium on Biaxial Nematic Liquid Crystals,

Kent State University (USA), 27 - 28.10.2008.

  • "Functional mesogens forming highly ordered helical mesophases",

M. Lehmann, M. Jahr, F. C. Grozema, R. D. Abellon, L. D. A. Siebbeles, M. Müller, Conference on Electronic Processes in p-Conjugated Molecules,

Würzburg (Germany), 07 - 10.10.2008.

  • "Functional mesogens forming highly ordered helical mesophases",

M. Lehmann, M. Jahr, F. C. Grozema, R. D. Abellon, L. D. A. Siebbeles, M. Müller, 2nd European Chemistry Conference,

Turin (Italy), 16 - 20.09.2008.

  • "Functional mesogens forming highly ordered helical mesophases",

M. Lehmann, M. Jahr, F. C. Grozema, R. D. Abellon, L. D. A. Siebbeles, M. Müller, E-MRS 2008 Spring Meeting,

Strasbourg (France), 26 - 30.05.2008.

  • "Design und Synthese von V-förmigen, formtreuen Nematogenen - Moleküle für die Selbstorganisation in thermotropen, biaxial nematischen Mesophasen",

M. Lehmann, J. Seltmann, Ch. Köhn, S. Kumar, S.-W. Kang, Q. B. Wang, C. Cruz, J. Figueirinhas, G. Feio, Chemiedozententagung,

Kaiserslautern (Germany), 30.03 - 02.04.2008.

  • "Functional mesogens forming highly ordered helical mesophases",

M. Lehmann, M. Jahr, F. C. Grozema, R. D. Abellon, L. D. A. Siebbeles, M. Müller, 22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference,

Jeju (South Korea), 29.06 - 04.07.2008.

  • "Evidence of biaxial order in nematic phases in the series of V-shaped, shape persistent mesogens",

M. Lehmann, Ch. Köhn, J. Seltmann, C. Cruz, J. Figueirinhas, G. Feio, 36. Arbeitstagung,

Magdeburg (Germany), 12 - 14.03.2008.


  • "Funktionale nichtkonventionelle Flüssigkristalle - Design und Synthese von neuen selbstorganisierenden, weichen Materialien",

M. Lehmann,

Stuttgart (Germany), 05.11.2007.

  • "Funktionale nichtkonventionelle Flüssigkristalle - Design und Synthese von neuen selbstorganisierenden, weichen Materialien",

M. Lehmann,

Stuttgart (Germany), 21.09.2007.

  • "Functional non-conventional liquid crystals - design and synthesis of new self-organising soft materials",

M. Lehmann, Seminar about novel chemical-organic methods,

Würzburg (Germany), 09.07.2007.

  • "Star-shaped mesogens containing chromophores: Synthesis and properties of functional liquid crystals",

M. Jahr, M. Lehmann, F. Grozema, L. D. A. Siebbele, 9th European Conference on Liquid Crystals,

Lissabon (Portugal), 01 - 06.07.2007.

  • " Star-shaped mesogens containing chromophores: Synthesis and properties of functional liquid crystals",

M. Lehmann, M. Jahr, F. Grozema, L. D. A. Siebbeles, MC8: Advanced Materials by Chemical Design,

London (UK), 02 - 05.07.2007.

  • " Funktionale nichtkonventionelle Flüssigkristalle - Design und Synthese von neuen selbstorganisierenden, weichen Materialien",

M. Lehmann,

Karlsruhe (Germany), 25.05.2007.

  • " Funktionale nichtkonventionelle Flüssigkristalle - Design und Synthese von neuen selbstorganisierenden, weichen Materialien",

M. Lehmann, Antrittsvorlesung (Juniorprofessur „Nichtklassische Synthesemethoden“),

Chemnitz (Germany), 12.04.2007.

  • "Undulated columnar liquid crystals from star-shaped mesogens",

M. Lehmann, M. Jahr, F. Grozema, L. D. A. Siebbeles, 35. Arbeitstagung Flüssigkristalle (),

Bayreuth (Germany), 21 - 23.03.2007.

  • "Sternförmige Mesogene: Synthese und Eigenschaften von funktionalen Flüssigkristallen",

M. Lehmann, M. Jahr, F. Grozema, L. D. A. Siebbeles, Chemiedozententagung, 11 - 14.03.2007

Halle (Germany), 11 - 14.03.2007.


  • "Control of supramolecular order in liquid crystals: from biaxial nematics to columnar and cubic films",

M. Lehmann, Kent State University,

Kent (USA), 11.07.2006.

  • "Shape-persistent bent mesogens - biaxial molecules forming biaxial nematic phases?",

M. Lehmann, S.-W. Kang, Ch. Köhn, T. Gorelik, U. Kolb, D. Schollmeyer, S. Kumar, 21st International Liquid Crystal Conference,

Keystone, Colorado (USA), July 2006.

  • "Star-shaped oligobenzoates: Programming supramolecular aggregation in liquid crystal phases",

M. Lehmann, University of Pennsylvania,

Philadelphia (USA), 30.06.2006.

  • "Star-shaped oligobenzoates: Programming supramolecular aggregation in liquid crystal phases",

M. Lehmann, Vortrag im Rahmen des Graduiertenkollegs „Selbstorganisation durch koordinative und nichtkovalente Wechselwirkungen",

Halle (Germany), April 2006.

  • " Star-shaped oligobenzoates: Programming supramolecular aggregation in liquid crystal phases",

M. Lehmann, Chemiedozententagung,

Hamburg (Germany), 2006.

  • "Shape-persistent, v-shaped mesogens - formation of nematic phases with biaxial order",

M. Lehmann, S.-W. Kang, Ch. Köhn, T. Gorelik, U. Kolb, D. Schollmeyer, S. Kumar, 34th Arbeitstagung Flüssigkristalle,

Freiburg (Germany), March 2006.

  • "Rigid V-shaped mesogens - formation of nematic phases with biaxial order",

M. Lehmann, S.-W. Kang, Ch. Köhn, T. Gorelik, U. Kolb, D. Schollmeyer, S. Kumar, 2nd Southampton International Symposium on Biaxial Nematics,

Southampton (UK), 27.01.2006.

2003 to 2005

  • "Star-shaped mesogens: Synthetic control of liquid crystal self-assembly",

M. Lehmann, Institut de Chimie et Interfaces Mulhouse,

France, 29.09.2005.

  • "Star-shaped mesogens: Synthetic control of liquid crystal self-assembly",

M. Lehmann, Universidad de Concepción,

Concepción (Chile), August 2005.

  • "Star-shaped mesogens: Synthetic control of liquid crystal self-assembly",

M. Lehmann, Université Libre de Bruxelles,

Brussels (Belgium), 17.06.2005.

  • "Supramolecular order of stilbenoid dendrons: Importance of weak interactions",

M. Lehmann, H. Meier, S. Renker, A. Oehlhof, "International Conference on Research Trends in Science and Technology",

Beirut (Libanon), 2005.

  • "Nematic LC phases from shape-persistent, v-shaped molecules with lateral alkoxy chains",

M. Lehmann, J. Levin, "32. Arbeitstagung Flüssigkristalle",

Halle (Germany), 2004.

  • "Star-shaped mesogens with a 1,3,5-benzene core as non-conventional columnar liquid crystals",

M. Lehmann, R. I. Gearba, M. H. J. Koch, D. A. Ivanov, "7th European Conference on Liquid Crystals",

Jaca (Spain), 2003.

  • "Star-shaped mesogens with a 1,3,5-benzene core as non-conventional columnar liquid crystals",

M. Lehmann, R. I. Gearba, M. H. J. Koch, D. A. Ivanov, "31. Arbeitstagung Flüssigkristalle",

Mainz (Germany), 2003.

  • "Hexaazatrinaphthalenes: Influence des differents groupes connecteures sur les transitions de phases",

M. Lehmann, G. Kestemont, J. Tant, Y. Geerts, M. Watson, R. I. Gearba, D. A. Ivanov, "Journées Discotiques",

Brussels (Belgium), 2003.

  • "Columnar liquid crystals formed by semi-flexible star-shaped oligobenzoates",

M. Lehmann, R. I. Gearba, M. H. J. Koch , D. A. Ivanov, "Dendrimer Soft Self-Assembly Systems (DENSOM)",

York (UK), 2003.

1999 to 2002

  • "Ways to new supramolecular structures: Influence of flexibility and persistence",

M. Lehmann, J. Levin, R. I. Gearba, Arbeitsgruppenseminar Prof. H. Meier,

Gernsbach (Germany), 2002.

  • "Synthesis and supramolecular properties of hexaaza-triphenylene derivatives as potential electron carriers",

M. Lehmann, G. Kestemont, Y. Geerts, CRESMAP Conference,

Mons (Belgium), 2002.

  • "Chiral polycatenar metallomesogens and their supramolecular organization in liquid crystals",

M. Lehmann, T. Sierra, J. Babéra, J.L. Serrano, TMR Network Meeting: Molecular Design of Functional Liquid Crystals,

Zaragoza (Spain), 2001.

  • " Synthesis and supramolecular properties of hexaaza-triphenylene derivatives as potential electron carriers",

M. Lehmann, G. Kestemont, Y. Geerts, EURESCO Conferences, Chemistry and Physics of Multifunctional Materials Acquafredda di Maratea,

Italy, 2001.

  • "Synthesis of novel mesogens for chiral and biaxial supra-molecular organization in liquid crystals",

M. Lehmann, T. Sierra, J. Babéra, J.L. Serrano, TMR Network Meeting: Molecular Design of Functional Liquid Crystals,

Southampton (UK), 2000.

  • "Synthesis of novel mesogens for chiral and biaxial supra-molecular organization in liquid crystals",

M. Lehmann, T. Sierra, J. Babéra, J.L. Serrano, TMR Network Meeting: Molecular Design of Functional Liquid Crystals,

Freiburg (Germany), 1999.