Lectures around Germany - Felix-Bloch-Lectureship Award 2021 (updated)
16.02.2022Felix-Bloch-Lectureship Awardee 2021 Ann-Christin Pöppler was invited to several talks around Germany. She travelled to Göttingen, Bonn, Halle, Kassel, Jena, Krefeld/Hochschule Niederrhein, Münster and Rostock giving talks about ongoing research and investigations of Team Pöppler.
With the Felix-Bloch Lectureship award the awardees can give presentations at up to four different events across Germany, which are covered by the GDCh. After her talk "Taking up the chase with NMR spectroscopy – From structural insights into solid drug-polymer formulation to their fate in biorelevant media” invitations to give talks at different universities followed almost directly and so Ann-Christin Pöppler started her lectureship at the university of Göttingen, followed by further universities across Germany!