
Tag der Lehre 2021


Tag der Lehre 2021: Keynote speech by Jun.-ProfIn Ann-Christin Pöppler about her concept of research and problem based learning with elements of science communication implemented in her new module "Complementary Tools for the Characterization of Complex Solid Materials"

With the title "TdL 2021: Teaching for Future - Nachhaltige Lehre gestalten" the annual event "Tag der Lehre" took place online. Interdisciplinary talks, introductory speeches and workshops were all concerned with sustainability in teaching.

Ann-Christin Pöppler was invited to present her concept of the new lecture "Complementary Tools for the Charakterization of Complex Solid Materials" supported by the Fulbright-Cottrell Award received in 2020. 

This new module at Chemistry Master's level combines theoretical input of several analtical tools with a hands-on two-weeks block course, where the students participate in skype lectures by international experts and were supposed to work on real research problems finished by a poster session to gain a first insight into science communication. 

More information can be found  Tag der Lehre 2021 , Fulbright-Cottrell Award 2020 for Ann-Christin  and Complementary Tools for the Characterization of Complex Solid Materials.
