Spectroscopy, Electrochemistry & Photocatalysis
UV/Vis/NIR Spectroscopy
Jasco V-670 including NCP-706 thermostatted 6-position automatic cell changer
Jasco V-770-ST including PAC-743, 6-position automatic cell changer with peltier system & 150 mm integration sphere
Jasco V-770-ST including PAC-743, 6-position automatic cell changer with peltier system & 150 mm integration sphere
Fluorescence Spectroscopy
PTI QM4-2003 fluorescence spectrometer, R928 photomultiplier
Edinburgh Instruments FLS980 Fluorescence Spectrometer, UV/Vis & NIR Photomultipliers, pulsed Picosecond Lasers facilitate sub-100 ps time-resolved Measurements with additional Sample Chambers: heated/cooled sample holder, front-face setup, powder sample holder and integration sphere