Anisotropic Photophysical Properties of Plexcitons in Strongly Coupled Metal-Organic Thin Films
Rödel, Maximilian; Philipp, Luca Nils; Kim, Jin Hong; Lehmann, Matthias; Stolte, Matthias; Mitric, Roland; Würthner, Frank; Pflaum, Jens
ACS Photonics 12 (1), 107-117, 2024.
Nonadiabatic Exciton Dynamics and Energy Gradients in the Framework of FMO-LC-TDDFTB
Einsele, Richard; Mitrić, Roland
J. Chem. Theory Comput., 20 (15) , pp. 6587-6603, 2024.
A CASSCF/MRCI trajectory surface hopping simulation of the photochemical dynamics and the gas phase ultrafast electron diffraction patterns of cyclobutanone
Miao, Xincheng; Diemer, Kira; Mitric, Roland;
J. Chem. Phys. 160, 124309, 2024.
FMO-LC-TDDFTB method for excited states of large molecular assemblies in the strong light-matter coupling regime
Einsele, Richard; Philipp, Luca Nils; Mitric, Roland;
J. Chem. Phys. 161 (15), 154106, 2024.
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