Eva Veh
Master of Science Lebensmittelchemie (KIT Karlsruhe)
Tel.: +49 931 31 86411
E-Mail: eva.veh@uni-wuerzburg.de
Raum: 02.001
Untersuchung des Einfluss von Lebensmittelinhaltsstoffen auf die genetische Stabilität mit zell- und molekularbiologischen Methoden.
Begutachtete Zeitschriftenbeiträge
Fischer F, Stößer S, Wegmann L, Veh E, Lumpp T, Parsdorfer M, Schumacher P, Hartwig A (2024). Chromate Affects Gene Expression and DNA Methylation in Long-Term In Vitro Experiments in A549 Cells. Int. J. Mol. Sci. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms251810129. Epub 2024 September 20.
Veh E, Schulze F, Lehmann L (2025). The food constituent higenamine exhibits no genotoxic potential in Ishikawa cells but reduces the sulfotransferase-induced genotoxicity of 1-hydroxymethylpyrene possibly by decreasing levels of SULT1A1 transcripts. Posterbeitrag. 10th German Pharm-Tox , Hannover.
Veh E, Schulze F, Lehmann L (2024). The food constituent higenamine exhibits no genotoxic potential in Ishikawa cells but reduces the sulfotransferase-induced genotoxicity of 1-hydroxymethylpyrene possibly by decreasing levels of SULT1A1 transcripts. Posterbeitrag. 52. Deutsche Lebensmittelchemietage, Freising.
Veh E, Schulze F, Lehmann L (2024). The food constituent higenamine exhibits no genotoxic potential in Ishikawa cells but slightly reduces the sulfotransferase induced genotoxicity of 1 hydroxymethylpyrene. Posterbeitrag. 34th GUM Meeting 2024, Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Veh E, Schulze F, Lehmann L (2024). The food constituent higenamine exhibits no genotoxic potential in Ishikawa cells but slightly reduces the sulfotransferase induced genotoxicity of 1 hydroxymethylpyrene. Posterbeitrag. 75. Arbeitstagung des Regionalverbandes Bayern der Lebensmittelchemischen Gesellschaft, Erlangen, Germany.
Veh E, Schulze F, Leonhardt D, Kleider C, Lehmann L (2023). The human endometrial adenocarcinoma Ishikawa cell line as promising test system for SULT-mediated activation of genotoxins. Posterbeitrag. 8th German Pharm-Tox Summit 2023, Ulm, Deutschland.
Betreute Praktika
Praktikum spektroskopische Methoden "Photometrie" (Teil des Moduls "Instrumentelle Analytik für Studierende der Lebensmittelchemie", Bachelor LMC)
Praktikum "Angewandte Biochemie einschließlich Ernährungslehre" (Modul "Praktikum: Angewandte Biochemie einschließlich Ernährungslehre", Master LMC)
Vertiefungspraktikum Lebensmitteltoxikologie (Wahlpflichtbereich, Master LMC)